Sustainable well-being remains a distant goal

Goal: socially fair and ecologically sustainable well-being

Sustainable well-being means both an equitable global distribution of well-being at present as well as the securing of well-being for future generations. Studies often equate well-being with happiness, life satisfaction, or a high standard of living. Well-being nevertheless has more dimensions than this.

Well-being within the limits of global capacity

Sustainable development can only be implemented if there is respect for planetary boundaries. They define the possibilities under which societies can seek well-being. The economy as part of a social system is also subordinate to planetary boundaries.

The countries of the world still have a long way to go to achieve sustainable wellbeing

The goal of sustainable development is to secure well-being also for future generations. How have the countries of the world succeeded in this? A research group at the University of Leeds showed, that not a single country on earth has achieved a high level of well-being within biophysical boundaries.

Finland has exceeded the limits of sustainable well-being

Consumption in Finland has exceeded the level that is globally just and sustainable. With the exception of the use of fresh water, consumption by Finns exceeds all of the biophysical boundaries.

Published 2018-09-13 at 15:57, updated 2018-09-13 at 15:57
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