
By using the search tool you will find the ongoing projects and projects completed in 2016 or later.

The search results are listed according to the order of which website has been published last, with the newest website listed at the top.

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Project Stage
Collaborative remedies for fragmented societies – facilitating the collaborative turn in environmental decision-making (CORE)

CORE project studies and develops collaborative action in environmental planning and decision-making. CORE builds on the notions of interdependence and collaborative governance as responses to complex...

Coordinated and Integrated Permitting System (CIPS) in South Africa

The Overall Objective (intended long-term impact) of the Project was improved environmental governance in terms of enhanced service delivery of DEA by simplifying the environmental permitting processe...

Finnish Regional Emission Scenario model FRES

The most important national level tool is the Finnish Regional Emission Scenario model (FRES), which has been developed in cooperation with the Finnish Meteorological Institute FMI and The National In...

Keeping the Arctic White: Regulatory Options for Reducing Short-Lived Climate Forcers in the Arctic (WHITE)

Short-lived climate forcers (SLCFs) include black carbon, methane, tropospheric ozone and some hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). These pollutants have a significant short-term warming influence on the climat...

Change in Business Ecosystems for Local Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - Better Energy Services for Consumers (USE)

The consortium creates an understanding of transition in the area of sustainable energy by taking an integrated approach to examining developments regarding renewable energy and energy efficiency. Sp...

Pathways linking uncertainties in model projections of climate and its effects (PLUMES)

PLUMES, a 4-year consortium project (extended by a 5th year for SYKE), aims to improve the treatment of key uncertainties in climate change impact, adaptation and vulnerability analysis, with a focus ...

EC DG CLIMA – Mainstreaming Climate Change into CSF-Funds 2014-2020

The contract with the European Commission's Directorate General for Climate Change covers technical analysis — with regard to climate change mitigation and adaptation — of a substantial number of prog...

Assessing the adaptive capacity of the Finnish environment and society under a changing climate (FINADAPT)

FINADAPT was a consortium of 11 Partner institutions studying adaptation to the potential impacts of climate change in Finland. Studies were carried out during 2004-2005, based on literature reviews, ...

Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe (BASE)

The EU research project "Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe" (BASE) supports action for sustainable climate change adaptation in Europe. BASE makes experiential and scien...

Integrated assessment modelling of global change impacts and adaptation (FINESSI)

FINESSI was a project funded by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) during 2003-2010 to develop a computer-based evaluation framework for investigating the impacts of global change on various nat...

Finnish Carbon Procurement Programme (Finnder)

The Ministry of Trade and Industry has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol's flexible mechanisms to offset Finnish greenhouse gas emissions. SYKE was awarded the consul...

Climate change: a regional assessment of vulnerability and adaptive capacity for the Nordic countries (CARAVAN)

The main aim of CARAVAN was to undertake a comparison of approaches for estimating regional vulnerability to climate change in the Nordic region. Vulnerability is a function of exposure to climate cha...

Map-based assessment of vulnerability to climate change employing regional indicators (MAVERIC)

The central aim of this project was to map quantitative measures of vulnerability to climate change at municipality scale across Finland.

Assessing limits of adaptation to climate change and opportunities for resilience to be enhanced (A-LA-CARTE)

A-LA-CARTE explored limits of adaptation to anticipated climate change, investigated the extent to which present-day systems are resilient to changes in climate and explored the options for enhancing ...

Finnish CDM/JI Pilot Programme

The objectives of the pilot programme were to 1) contract CDM and JI projects into the project pipeline, 2) to gain experience with the Kyoto mechanisms, 3) to write project management guidelines and ...

Regional Industrial Pollution and CO2 Emission Abatement Project for Arab Countries

The purpose of the RIPECAP project was to support selected Arab Countries in achieving the principles of the Declaration of the Arab Ministries of Environment, promote energy efficiency and the use of...

Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal (RWSSP-WN)

The purpose is to fulfill the basic needs and ensure rights of access of the poorest and excluded households to safe domestic water, good health and hygiene through decentralized governance system.

Policy learning: linking development policy and climate change in Finland's relations with developing countries

The objective is to provide an analysis that supports the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland in its efforts to integrate poverty reduction and climate policy objectives in the implementation of F...

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