Information and actions for the mitigation of climate change

Climate change is one of the most significant environmental problems affecting the human population. It is linked to the global adequacy of natural resources, a decline in biodiversity as well as unsustainable means of consumption and production. The excessive utilisation of forests can result in a reduction of our carbon sink for decades into the future.

The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) promotes a solution-based sustainable bioeconomy by researching new policy measures and investigating the effect of various production and consumption solutions on emissions.

We produce innovations for the mitigation of climate change and to help people adapt to it. We support practical climate work in pioneering municipalities by carrying out emissions development assessments and disseminating information on good practices. Our objective is a low-carbon society that uses natural resources sustainably and is able to flexibly adapt to changes.

Around 40 researchers and specialists in various units carry out climate issues-related work. We take part in numerous national and international research projects and provide information on climate issues by producing content such as the and the websites.

Our areas of expertise:

  • Political analyses related to the mitigation of and adapting to climate change
  • Lifecycle-based estimates on greenhouse gas emissions (incl. black carbon emissions) and inspection of measures related to limiting of emissions
  • Inspection of climate change impact scenarios, vulnerability and adaptability assessments as well as inspection of measures

More information

unit director, climate solutions
Jyri Seppälä

Published 2021-11-01 at 9:38, updated 2023-08-22 at 14:14