Tiina Laamanen


M.Sc., Genetics

Contact information


Email: firstname.lastname@syke.fi
Finnish Environment Institute Syke,
Quality of information,
Method development
Address: Paavo Havaksen tie 3
90570 Oulu, Finland


I work as a Researcher at the Finnish Environment Institute Syke in the Quality of Information Unit's Method Development Group. My primary area of interest and expertise lies in the development and implementation of eDNA and other molecular monitoring methods. I am a geneticist by training, and I am currently finalizing my eDNA-themed PhD thesis at Syke and the University of Oulu. I have been working at the Syke Oulu office since 2012 on various national and international research projects.

I lead a national eDNA network team that organizes approximately four online meetings per year. Our aim is to disseminate the latest information on eDNA and other molecular monitoring methods. These meetings are open to all, and our mailing list already includes over 120 national experts from various research organizations, companies, and universities. If you're interested in joining, please send me an email at firstname.lastname@syke.fi

Projects I'm currently working on (and their source of funding in parentheses)

  • Task leader in the “eDNAqua-Plan” A Plan towards an eDNA reference library and data repository for Aquatic Organisms, navigating Europe towards the next generation biodiversity monitoring -project (Horizon Europe)
  • “DNAquaIMG” Innovating transnational aquatic biodiversity monitoring using high-throughput DNA tools and automated image recognition (Biodiversa+)
  • “OBSGESSION” Observation of Ecosystem Changes for Action (Horizon Europe)
  • “eDNA-monitor” Utilization of DNA methods in assessing the status and diversity of water bodies (Ministry of the Environment BIOMON -funding)
  • The Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility “FinBIF” FIRI development project (Research Council of Finland)
  • Finnish ecosystem observatory “FEO” (Ministry of the Environment)
  • “MaaMet” National monitoring of agriculture and forestry diffuse loading impacts on streams and lakes (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)
  • "SPORELIFE" Towards an overarching understanding of fungal spore dispersion across scales: combining eDNA and flow cytometry with integrated atmospheric modelling for application in bioaerosols and biodiversity monitoring (Research Council of Finland)
  • “Priodiversity LIFE”Prioritised actions for promoting biodiversity targets in Finland (EU LIFE)

Some of my previous projects include:

  • “eDNA-roadmap” Roadmap for implementing environmental DNA (eDNA) and other molecular monitoring methods in Finland (Ministry of Environment, 2020-2021)
  • Project manager at “eDNA-pilot” A pilot for implementing environmental DNA (eDNA) -based methods into environmental and biomonitoring (Syke’s seedmoney project 2020-2021)



Published 2017-05-03 at 12:00, updated 2024-02-06 at 13:11

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