Juha Aaltonen

Development engineer,

M.Sc. (Civ. Eng.)

Contact information

E-mail: firstname.lastname@syke.fi
Phone: 0295 251 051
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Built environment solutions
Water risks
Address: Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 Helsinki, Finland

Skype: yha.syke.aaltonen.juha
Twitter: @jkaalton

Current role

I work as a development engineer mainly in the field of flood risk management and watercourse regulation. Projects I’m involved in cover research and development and expert services. I do also participate in various water resources related projects.


I have graduated from the water resources department of Helsinki University of Technology (current Aalto University) and worked for SYKE since 2003. I began my career with hydrodynamic fluvial flood modelling and mapping. That topic is still under special attention and development. In addition to floods I have applied my modelling knowledge for example for ice break up jams, dam break scenarios, conveyance of hazardous substances and definitions of environmental flow. I have worked in many R&D projects but also shared my modelling knowledge in several domestic and international training courses. I have participated the planning and guidance of national flood risk management planning. In the field of watercourse regulation I have participated several development projects and have been responsible for the transboundary watersheds of River Vuoksi and Paatsjoki.

Research interests

  • Hydrodynamic/hydraulic modelling
  • Floods, flood mapping, flood risk management planning
  • Watercourse regulation, regulation development


  • PRASDES, Programa Regional Andino para el fortalecimiento de los Servicios meteorológicos, hidrológicos, climáticos y el DESarrollo
  • Rankkasateet ja taajamatulvat RATU (Heavy rains and urban floods)
  • Interaction between flood risk management and river basin management ()
  • Kyrönjoen suiston jääpatotulvakartoitus (ice jam flood mapping of River Kyrönjoki estuary)
  • Patomurtumien tulvakartoitus (Flood mapping of dam break floods)

Other activities

  • Secretary in the national coordination group for flood risk management, 20XX-2016
  • Flood risk management expert in the Flood Centre


Published 2017-06-08 at 16:11, updated 2023-06-08 at 13:45

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