Riikka Puntila-Dodd

Senior Research Scientist


E-mail: firstname.lastname@syke.fi
Tel: +358 295 251 545
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Marine and freshwater solutions
Latokartanonkaari 11
00790 Helsinki, Finland

@Research Gate
@Google Scholar

Current tasks

From September 2022 to September 2025, I am working as an Academy of Finland post doc researcher in Åbo Akademi. I am working on modelling the Baltic Sea ecosystems using Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) and studying the impacts of invasive species in the Baltic Sea.


My education is a mix of ecology and marine science. I completed my master’s in marine science in the University of South Alabama, where I studied the direct and indirect impacts of predation in the Florida Keys coral reefs. In my dissertation I concentrated on the various impacts and interactions of invasive Species in the Baltic Sea coastal ecosystems. Previously I have been working on ballast water management convention related issues at HELCOM and on invasive species monitoring in the Finnish Game and Fisheries research (now Natural resource center).


GES4SEAS: https://www.ges4seas.eu/

FutureMares: https://www.futuremares.eu/

KATOT: https://tyrskyconsulting.fi/katot/

VESIMALLIT: https://www.syke.fi/fi-FI/Tutkimus__kehittaminen/Tutkimus_ja_kehittamishankkeet/Hankkeet/Uusien_hankkeiden_vaikutusten_arviointi_suhteessa_vesien_ja_merenhoidon_tilatavoitteisiin__tyokalujen_nykytila_ja_kehittamistarpeet_VESIMALLIT

BIO-C3 https://www.bio-c3.eu/

BONUS BLUEWEBS http://www.syke.fi/bonusbluewebs

Other activities

Co-chair in ICES WG IAB group.

Scientific publications

I have been authoring many scientific articles and reports. In addition, I have given scientific and non-scientific presentations in various conferences. The most recent publication list is available at my  @Research Gate  and @Google Scholar profiles.


Published 2017-09-18 at 13:34, updated 2023-01-11 at 14:23

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