Reports and Publications of the VACCIA project


VACCIA project’s synthesis report

Bergström I. et al. (eds.) 2011. Ekosysteemipalvelut ja elinkeinot - haavoittuvuus ja sopeutuminen muuttuvaan ilmastoon. VACCIA-hankkeen yhteenvetoraportti. Suomen ympäristö 26/2011.

Bergström I. et al. (eds.) 2011. Ecosystem services and livelihoods - vulnerability and adaptation to a changing climate. VACCIA Synthesis Report. Finnish Environment 26en/2011.

Layman's Report

VACCIA -Laymans Report (pdf, 4240 kB)
VACCIA -Yleistajuinen katsaus hankkeen tuloksiin (pdf, 4136 kB)


VACCIA esite 2009
VACCIA broschyr 2009
VACCIA brochure 2009
VACCIA esite 2011: Keskeisiä tuloksia
VACCIA broschyr 2011: Centrala resultat
VACCIA brochure 2011: Key results

Action 2: Derivation of GMES-related remote sensing data

Deliverable 1 (Time-series of EO-data (snow melt, phenology, water quality); 28.02.2010):
Anttila S. and Härmä P. (2010) Time-series of earth observation data ( snow melt, phenology, snow, water quality and lake surface temperature)(pdf, 3081 kB)

Deliverable 2 (Filtered and interpolated time series; 30.09.2010):
Anttila S. and Härmä P. (2010) Filtered and interpolated time series (pdf 5242 kB)

Deliverable 3 (Indicator values estimated from derived time series (start & end of growrh period etc.); 31.12.2010):
Anttila S. and Härmä P. (2010) Indicator values derived from estimated time series (pdf, 1319 kB)

Deliverable 4 (Processed EO-data (GMES-products on snow, phenology and water quality; data delivery along the project from the very beginning); 31.10.2011:
)Anttila S. and Härmä P. (2011) Processed EO-data (Extended GMES-products on snow, phenology and water quality; data delivery along the project from the very beginning) (pdf, 199 kB)

Action 3: Derivation of climate scenarios

Deliverable 1 (First database on climate change scenarios for assessment work in Actions 5-13; 31.08.2009):
Jylhä K. and Laapas M. (2009) First database on climate change scenarios for assessment work in Actions 5-13 (pdf, 1088 kB)

Deliverable 2 & 3 (Uptaded database on climate change scenarios for assessment work in Actions 5-13, Report on climate scenarios; 31.10.2010):
Jylhä K. and Laapas M. (2010) Climate change scenarios and their final database for assessment work in Actions 5-13 (pdf, 1201 kB)

Action 5: Development of a GIS-platform for the identification of changes in management criteria of coastal ecosystems

Deliverable 1 (List of environmental data sets available in the region; 30.06.2009):
Alsuhail F. (2009) Data investigation (pdf, 128 kB)

Deliverable 2 (List of publications on field objects in the region; 31.12.2009):
Action 5. List of publications on field objects in the region (pdf, 107 kB)

Deliverable 3 (GIS-platform on coastal data; 31.08.2010):
VACCIAn paikkatietoportaali

Deliverable 4 (Vulnerability assessment and critical thresholds for migrating birds; 30.09.2010):
Lintujen muuton ajoittumisen tutkiminen Hangon lintuasemalla

Deliverable 5 (Summary of major ohysical-chemical changes and their impact in aquaric habitats (e.g. vegetation, fish, bluemussels); 31.12.2010):
Jokinen H. (2010) Major potentially climate indused changes in the coastal ecosystem of the western Gulf of Finland - a review (pdf, 699 kB)

Deliverable 6 (Adaption and policy targets: The impact of climatic changes on the protection and hunting periods of birds; 31.3.2011):
Lehikoinen A. (2011) Adaption and policy targets: The impact of climatic changes on the protection and hunting periods of birds (pdf, 3963 kB)

Deliverable 7 (Action plan for adaptation mesures in Pojo Bay; 30.09.2011):
RReinikainen M. (2011) Åtgärdsprogram för Pojoviken – genomgång av åtgärder, nuvarande tillstånd, och rekommendationer för framtiden, Action Plan for Pojo Bay - review on measures, current status, and
recommendations for the future (in Swedish, summary in English) (pdf, 421 kB)

Action 6: Assessment of climate change and land use impacts in urban environments

Deliverable 1 (International literature review on climate change, runoff waters and urbanisation; 31.08.2009):
Setälä H. et al. (2009) How to construct ecologicallly and socially sustainable urban environments? -A literature review on climate change, runoff waters and land-use impacts in urban environments (pdf, 1013 kB)

Devilerable 2 (1st stakeholder meeting, documented; 31.08.2009):
VACCIA Action 6: Muistiinpanot sidosryhmäkokouksesta, Minutes of the stakeholder meeting 240809 (pdf, 5050 kB)

Devilerable 3 (One year data collected and documented; 31.01.2010):
Setälä H. et al. (2010) First year data collected and documented (pdf, 1609 kB)

Deliverable 4 (2nd stakeholder meeting, documented; 28.02.2010)
VACCIA Action 6: 2nd Stakeholder Meeting 280110 Lahtii. (pdf, 137 kB)

Deliverable 5 (3rd stakeholder meeting and 1st stakeholder seminar, publication; 31.10.2010):
VACCIA Action 6: Third stakeholder meeting and first stakeholder seminar (pdf, 28 kB)

Deliverable 6 (Second year data collected and documented; 31.01.2011):
Setälä H. et al. (2011) Second year data collected and documented (pdf, 771 kB)

Deliverable 7 (4th stakeholder meeting documented; 28.02.2011):
VACCIA Action 6: 4th stakeholder meeting documented (pdf 37 kB)

Deliverable 8 (5th stakeholder meeting and 2nd stakeholder seminar, presentation of main findings, publication incl. recommendations; 31.12.2011):
Setälä H. et al. (2011) Main findings and recommendations (pdf, 148 kB)

Action 7: Assessment of impacts and adaptation measures for agricultural production

Deliverable 1 (Review of warming impacts in boreal agriculture; 31.12.2009):
Schulz T.M. (2009) Ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset Suomen maatalouteen (pdf, 342 kB)

Deliverable 2 (Documentation of data (meta-data); 31.07.2010):
VACCIA Action 7 Documentation of data (meta-data) (pdf, 226 kB)

Deliverable 3 (Database for the interactive demontration platform; 31.12.2010):
VACCIA Action 7 Database for the interactive demonstration platform (pdf, 1449 kB)

Deliverable 4 (Thematic GIS maps for the demontration platform; 31.03.2011):
VACCIA Action 7 Thematic GIS maps (pdf, 1376 kB)

Deliverable 5 (Publishing the interactive web-platform; 31.08.2011):
Lepsämänjoki LTSER

Deliverable 6 (Closing stakeholder seminar report; 31.10.2011):
VACCIA Action 7 Closing stakeholder seminar (pdf, 525 kB)

Action 8: Vulnerability and adaptation of catchment areas and lakes for climate change impacts

Deliverable 1 (List of environmental variables available in the region; 31.08.2009):
Sairanen S. et al. (2009) Report on environmental variables available in the region. (pdf, 1210 kB)

Deliverable 2 (Document of 1st stakeholder meeting; 31.10.2009):
Sairanen S. (2009) Raportti VACCIA-aloitusseminaarista, Report of the 1st stakeholder meeting. (pdf, 2023 kB)

Deliverable 3 (Description of meta-data; 31.01.2010):

Deliverable 4 (Document of 1st year data collected; 31.01.2010):
Arvola L. and Sairanen S. (2010) Report on data collection in the Lammi LTER area in 2009. (pdf, 1163 kB)

Deliverable 5 (Document of 2nd stakeholder meeting; 31.03.2010):
Sairanen S. (2010) Raportti VACCIA-hankkeen maatalous-työpajasta (pdf, 1252 kB)

Deliverable 6 (Document of 3rd stakeholder meeting and 1st stakeholder workshop; 31.10.2010):
Sairanen S. (2010) Raportti VACCIA-hankkeen metsätalouden vesiensuojelu-työpajasta (pdf, 1349 kB)

Deliverable 7 (Document of 2nd year data collected; 31.01.2011):
Arvola L. and Sairanen S. (2011) Report on data collection in the Lammi LTER area in 2010 (pdf, 1699 kB)

Deliverable 8 (Document of 4th stakeholder meeting; 28.02.2011):
Sairanen S. (2011) Raportti VACCIA-hankkeen vesistöjen virkistyskäyttö-työpajasta (pdf, 1329 kB)

Deliverable 9 (Document of 5th stakeholder meeting and 2nd stakeholder workshop; 31.12.2011):
Sairanen S. (2011) Raportti VACCIA-hankkeen valuma-alueet ja järvet loppuseminaarista (pdf, 1157 kB)

Vuorenmaa J., Arvola L. & Rask M. (eds.) (2011) Hämeen ympäristö muutoksessa -Kaksikymmentä vuotta ympäristön huippututkimusta Valkea-Kotisen alueella. Suomen ympäristö 34/2011.

Action 9: Assessment of impacts and adaptation measures for forest production; Case study at Northern Häme and Lapland

Deliverable 1 (Stakeholder seminar 1 documented; 30.06.2009):
VACCIA Action 9: Report on the stakeholder seminars 1 (pdf, 1563 kB)

Deliverable 2 (Process based model analysis of pine and spruce growth to predictclimate change impacts; 30.06.2010):
Nikinmaa E. et al. (2010) Process based model of pine and spruce growth to predict climate change impacts (pdf, 510 kB)

Deliverable 3 (Technical document of new optimal rotation and thinning cycles under changed climate for pine and spruce; 30.11.2010):
Kolari P. et al. (2011) Impact of changing climate on optimal silviculture (pdf, 213 kB)

Deliverable 4 (Stakeholder seminar 2 documented; 31.01.2011):
VACCIA Action 9: Report on the stakeholder seminars 2 (pdf, 2913 kB)

Deliverable 5 (Regional predictions of forest structure; 31.08.2011):
Nikinmaa E. et al. (2011) Regional predictions of forest structure (pdf, 480 kB)

Deliverable 6 (Stakeholder seminar 3 documented; 30.11.2011):
VACCIA Action 9: Report on the Stakeholder seminars 3 (pdf, 1279 kB)

Deliverable 7 (Technical report on results; 31.12.2011):
Nikinmaa E. et al. (2011) Main Results (pdf, 162 kB)

Action 10: Assessment of impacts and adaptation of fisheries production and wash off effects in Lake Päijänne

Deliverable 1 (Reports 1a (Fisheries production) and 1b (Wash-off and loading): present situation, vulnerability assessment; 30.04.2009):
Keskinen T. et al. (2009) Reports 1a and 1b (pdf, 995 kB)

Deliverable 2 (Reports 2a (Fisheries production) and 1b (Wash-off and loading): critical thresholds for load, water quality and fish production; 30.04.2010):
Keskinen T. et al. (2010) Report 2 (pdf, 2345 kB)

Deliverable 5 ( Reports 3a (Fisheries production) and 3b (Wash-off and loading): synthesis, adaptation to changes; 30.04.2011):
Keskinen T. et al. (2011) Report 3 (pdf, 884 kB)

Action 11: Assessment of impacts of climate change on biodiversity in coastal ecosystems and implementation of new policies and conservation strategies

Milestone 2 (Outline of reserch methodologies, conservation stage and management of boreal forest species; 30.09.2009):
Orell M. (2009) Outline of research methodologies, conservation stage and management of boreal forest species. (pdf, 77 kB)

Milestone 3 (Evaluation of the present scale and methods of management in seashore meadows; 23.01.2010):
Niemelä M. (2010) Merenrantaniittyjen hoidon laajuus ja menetelmät: nykytilan arviointi.. (pdf, 717 kB)

Deliverable 1 (Report of a spatial population model on passerine birds in fragmented forest habitats and its implementation in two LT(S)ER-sites with contrasting climate; 01.09.2011):
Orell M. et al. (2011) Climatic and Habitat Contributions to Populations of Managed Forest Landscapes (pdf, 1.17 MB)

Deliverable 2 ( Vulnerability assessment models for selected seashore species including recommendations for management and grazing in associated habitats; 01.10.2011):
Aikio S. et al. (2011) Between devil and (not a very) deep blue sea -Endangered sea shore species in a changing climate (pdf, 5723 kB)

Deliverable 3 (Strategy and action plan for ex situ concnervation of threatened plants in Finland; 30.11.2011):
Hyvärinen M. et al. (2011) Strategy and action plan for ex-situ conservation of threatened plants in Finland (pdf, 1125 kB)

Action 12: Assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation measure for tourism related communities in two northern towns: ecological, social and health impacts of climate change

Kauppila P. (2009) Kuusamon kaupungin matkailutalous v. 2007. Naturpolis Kuusamo. Työpapereita 1/2009

Kauppila P. (2009) Sotkamon kunnan matkailutalous vuonna 2007. Oulun yliopisto, Kajaanin kehittämiskeskus, Aluekehitys. REDEC Kajaani, Working Papers 68.

Häkkilä H. & Kauppila P. (2009) Rukan ja Vuokatin matkailukeskusten sosioekonomiset piirteet paikkatietonäkökulmasta. Oulun yliopisto, Lönnrot-instituutin julkaisuja 13

Deliverable 1 (Vulnerability assessment model (publication); 30.10.2010):
Heikkinen H.I. (toim.) (2010) Ilmastonmuutos ja matkailun haasteet Kuusamossa ja Sotkamossa - Matkailun haavoittuvuuden ja sopeutumisen arviointi osallistavan tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen menetelmällä (Climate change and challenges to tourism in Kuusamo and Sotkamo)

Deliverable 2 ( Vulnerability assessment report; 01.06.2011):
Kauppila P. et al. (2011) Ilmastonmuutos ja matkailu pohjoisilla alueilla

Deliverable 3 (Policy report; 01.09.2011):
Heikkinen H.I. et al. (2011) Adaptation to climate change and monitoring needs of change in northern tourism destinations (pdf, 2.76 MB)

Action 13: Assessment of the impacts of climate change on pollution transport to the Arctic region

Deliverable 3 (Report on the assessment of source regions and trends of contaminants; 31.12.2010):
Anttila P. et al. (2010) Sources and trends of air pollutants at Pallas (pdf, 2731 kB)

Deliverable 4 (Report on the assessment of the effects of changing climate on the atmospheric transport behaviour of contaminants; 30.06.2011):
Anttila P. et al. (2011) Assessment of the impacts of climate change on pollution transport to the Arctic region, Final report 30.06.2011 (pdf, 1991 kB)

Published 2013-06-04 at 16:36, updated 2023-06-29 at 18:18