Project Description
The project assisted in implementing the air quality framework directive and relevant daughter directives in FYR Macedonia. Member State experts gave assistance in preparing the relevant secondary legislation and helped the Beneficiary Country experts to develop appropriate skills for development of emission inventory and air quality assessment methodologies. The development of ambient air quality monitoring network and relevant laboratory services were also supported.
The MS experts' work consisted of the following components:
- Guidelines and secondary laws
- Emission Inventories
- Preliminary environmental assessment
- Air quality measurements and laboratory work
- Dispersion modelling
The involved training concentrated on hands-on training and real case data and studies were used where appropriate. All of the components were closely linked with each other to ensure the development of a fully operational AQ assessment system. The foreseen ongoing development of EU air quality legislation was taken into account in the project implementation.
Services provided by SYKE
SYKE's experts provided their expertise in the development of
- Guidelines and secondary laws
- Emission inventories
- Preliminary environmental assessment
More information
Ms. Kati Pritsi, Project Coordinator, International Affairs Unit, Finnish Environment Institute