Groundwater resources in Blue Bioeconomy – Possibilites to multipurpose utility (POSIBILITI)

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  • The final seminar of the project will be held on 18th of March 2019 in Kuusamo (in Finnish)

Background of the project

The value of water resources in Finland has got greater status in public, national strategies and programmes in recent years. Though, actual plans for more intensive or multipurpose utilization of groundwater resources have not been done. There is great capacity to enhance the utilization of groundwater resources in Finland.

Only 12 % of groundwater is used every year. Still, bottled water is being transferred from abroad over 20 times more than Finnish water is being sold to foreign countries. There are plenty of groundwater formations in Finland but they are relatively small and scattered.

Aims of the project

This project aims to research possibilities, restrictions and willingness of enterprises to enhance the sustainable utilization of groundwater resources in Koillismaa region in Finland. There are good quality and quantity of groundwater resources in that region.

The certain mission of Finnish Environment Institute is to promote the sustainable use of groundwater resources. Koillismaa region is also aiming at sustainable development in utilization of nature resources.


The project will be implemented during the period 1.9.2017 – 31.3.2019 in cooperation with Finnish Environment Institute, Naturpolis Ltd, The Energy and Water Cooperative of Kuusamo, and The Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry.

More information

  • Sanna Vienonen, Project manager, tel. +358 295 251 738,
  • Raimo Ihme, Leader in responsible, tel. +358 295 251 207,
posibiliti logot
Published 2018-06-27 at 15:15, updated 2019-02-06 at 13:48

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