Project Description
The overall objective of the project was to assist Hungary in strengthening the capacity of the Hungarian environmental inspection system in order to give effect to the EU environmental legislation as well as to ensure full institutional capacity (Institution Building) in fulfilling the planning, regulation, reporting and information requirements of several main EU Directives mentioned in Article 2.
- Urban Waste Water Treatment (91/271/EEC);
- Large Combustion Plants (88/609/EEC);
- Dangerous Substances in Water (80/68/EEC) (Protection of Ground Water Against Pollution Caused by Certain Dangerous Substances);
- Hazardous Waste Management (91/689/EEC);
- Waste Management (75/442/EEC);
- Incineration of Hazardous Waste (94/67/EC).
The key objectives of the Project were:
- To strengthen the institutional background;
- To get permitting, licensing and compliance control in line with the requirements of EU environmental Acquis;
- To rationalise the lengthy procedures of permitting and enforcement;
- To ensure the consideration of the requests of the Aarhus Convention;
- To enable the staff concerned for the application of environmental Acquis in providing training and in designing a sustainable training system.
Services provided by SYKE
SYKE provided services for the following components:
- Analysis of the current situation of the environmental administrative bodies like: organisational structure, budget (financing of tasks), responsibilities, assignment of tasks, legal rules, consideration of the Aarhus Convention, number and qualification of staff, data management, monitoring systems etc.;
- Formulation and definition of recommendations on renewed scales of tasks, distribution of the responsibilities, organizational structures and future requests on qualification and number of staff;
- Elaboration of a study defining the institutional structures and main elements needed for sustainable training capacity for environmental officers at the authorities involved on a medium and long term basis;
- Demonstration of the functioning of the proposed new structure of environmental administrative bodies in case studies;
- Capacity building in permitting and enforcement of environmental legislation;
- Organisation of a study tour to Finland.
More information
Ms. Kati Pritsi, Project Coordinator, International Affairs Unit, Finnish Environment Institute