Detailed description of project
Objectives of the assessment were three-fold:
- Carry out a comprehensive review of the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) in Myanmar and an assessment of existing gaps in its implementation and enforcement;
- Identify ways to improve the implementation and enforcement of the ECL, including priority areas and actions for the short- and medium term; and
- Propose a prioritised work plan for the Environmental Sector Working Group in order to support the Government of Myanmar and international development partners in further development of environmental management and policies in Myanmar.
The assessment was carried out through a desk study and series of field visits in Myanmar. The analysis built on the structure of the ECL and the role of the Environmental Conservation Department of MOECAF as the main responsible body for implementing the law.
The assessment covered the regulatory base, governance practices, and capacities and resources for the following thematic areas:
- National and regional planning to implement environmental policies,
- Environmental licensing, EIA and SIA,
- Pollution control,
- Management of chemicals and hazardous substances,
- Urban environmental management,
- Economic mechanisms in environmental protection,
- Cooperation in conservation of natural resources, biodiversity and cultural heritage,
- International environmental agreements,
- Awareness raising, information management, research, dissemination and training, and
- Access to environmental justice.
The team collaborated closely with UNDP Myanmar and consulted different stakeholders widely in the Government of Myanmar at national and regional level, the international development partner community, civil society organisations and private sector actors.
Findings of the assessment were collected in a report, a draft of which was presented to key stakeholders in two consultation workshops and sent out broadly to all consulted stakeholders before finalisation and publication in late 2015.
Type of services provided
- Review and analysis of environmental regulations and governance structures, capacities and resources for their implementation and enforcement through desk study and field visits.
- Consultation and liaison with a broad range of stakeholders including government, international development partners, civil society and private sector, including planning and implementation of participative consultation workshops for civil society and private sector stakeholders.
- Development of recommendations and proposal of work plans for enhancement of the implementation and enforcement of the ECL and further development of the environment sector in Myanmar.
More information
Project Coordinator, Mr. Mikael Hildén, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE,