Project description
The project assisted the local authorities and industries of the area in improving their capacity for environmental planning and management. The project aimed at directly protecting, enhancing and sustaining the quality of the environment and providing healthier and ecologically more diverse living environments for the population of the project area. In addition, it served as an experiment in decentralising environmental administration, in the context of the on-going overall decentralisation process in Nepal.
The project consisted of five inter-linked components:
- Environmental Administration, Planning and Management at the Local Level;
- Local Administration Fund;
- Cleaner Production and Occupational Health and Safety at Local Industries;
- Environmental Investment Support Fund for Local Industries;
- Environmental Monitoring and Laboratory Services.
Services provided by SYKE included
Guidance, advice and assistance in the implementation of the components 1 and 2, including:
- Assessment of the existing institutional structure/mechanism, their environmental responsibilities and tasks;
- Assessment of financial resources and mechanisms of the local authorities to develop an appropriate system for financing their environmental activities;
- Assessment of training needs for specific groups of local environmental administration and management staff and identification of appropriate training institutions for human resource development;
- Identification and procurement of necessary equipment for the environmental units;
- Preparation of environmental management plans and programmes, establishment of systems for monitoring and evaluation of the implementation and impacts of the municipal and Village Development Committee environmental plan, programmes and projects;
- Enhancement of local government rules, regulations and by-laws and establishment of enforcement;
- Development of methods of storing and presenting environmental information.
More information
Mr Lauri Kattelus, Project Manager, International Affairs Unit, Finnish Environment Institute