
SYKE publishes approximately 250 peer-reviewed articles annually. In the Academy of Finland's State of Scientific Research in Finland 2018, SYKE’s scientific impact was rated third best among Finnish universities, colleges and state research institutes. Since the quality of publication forums began to be ranked and monitored in Finland in 2015, the level of SYKE's scientific articles has improved in line with universities: publishing at the lowest level has decreased and more has been published at the top level journals. In recent years, SYKE has received several recognitions for open publishing and for popularizing findings.

A particularly large number of reports and articles aimed at the professional community were published in 2019. This is due, among other things, to the increased publication of Policy Briefs in both the Government series and SYKE's own series. Blogs have also become an important channel for the popular publication of new results.

In 2018, 43% of SYKE's scientific articles were openly available, in 2019 already 61%.

SYKE 2019.

More on SYKE’s publications in

More information and statistics about SYKE publications

Examples of SYKE’s high impact themes in Web of Science

Published 2020-06-24 at 12:54, updated 2020-06-29 at 14:39
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