Environmental management (Work Package 2)

Linnut kalliolla
© Riku Lumiaro / YHAn kuvapankki

The objective of Work Package 2 of Plan4Blue “Environmental management” is to advance sustainable, resource efficient and environmentally safe blue growth based on increased capacity of public authorities and practitioners within the blue economy sectors.

"Environmental management Strategy for maritime spatial planning (MPS) " is considered to be an important tool to integrate the ecosystem based approach into the maritime and coastal spatial planning processes. This strategy is specific enough to serve actual Gulf of Finland related trans-boundary MSP processes and it is sufficiently general to be used to support the MSP trans-boundary processes in the Baltic Sea Region and beyond.

The "Guidelines on environmental management for sustainable planning" seek to enhance the institutional capacity of maritime and coastal zone spatial planning authorities and stakeholders in Estonia and Finland to develop maritime and coastal zone spatial plans that are environmentally safe, trans-boundary coherent and, thereby, create conditions for optimal blue growth gains.

More information

Robert Aps, Leader of the work package 2, University of Tartu, Estonian Marine Institute, firstname.surname@ut.ee

Published 2017-03-07 at 14:28, updated 2019-08-30 at 16:10

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