Earth Observation-based Services for Monitoring and Reporting of Ecological Status (EOMORES)

EU/Horizon2020 project EOMORES (grand agreement °730066) develops services for monitoring the quality of inland and coastal water bodies, using data from Earth Observation satellites and in situ sensors to measure, model and forecast water quality parameters. SYKE is one of the service providers in the project and participates in all of the work packages required for EO service provision development. SYKE also leads a work package concentrating on the user interaction and a task aiming to develop higher level products.

Project  website

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Saku Anttila, first name.last

Scientific publications

Anttila, S., Fleming-Lehtinen, V., Attila, J., Junttila, S., Alasalmi, H., Hällfors, H., ... & Koponen, S. (2018). A novel earth observation based ecological indicator for cyanobacterial blooms. International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation, 64, 145-155.

Blauw, A., Van den Boogaard, H., Hommersom, A., Boogaard, F., de Lima, R., Schenkel, J., ... & Dioniso, M. (2018). Forecasting cyanobacterial blooms using high frequency monitoring data.

Kangro, K., Alikas, K., & Panksep, K. Lake restoration: a view from space to the changes in L. Ülemiste during and after biomanipulation.

Published 2019-03-15 at 14:57, updated 2021-03-19 at 13:26