SEVIRA monitoring started on the project rivers on the Finnish side

News 2019-04-01 at 14:40

The SEVIRA river monitoring programme contains of 12 sampling rounds on 2019 and according to the arrangements the annual monitoring will continue till spring 2021. The first round of the project river sampling was accomplished on March 25th. Water quality samples from stations at Rakkolanjoki, Hounijoki/Alajoki and Virojoki were taken by the local provider, Saimaan Vesi ja Ympäristötutkimus Oy, and transported to SYKE's laboratory.

The main idea for this extra sampling in the project is to reinforce the ongoing monitoring of these selected transboundary rivers to get more accurate data on seasonal water quality fluctuation and nutrient load for modelling purposes - and to formulate guidelines for a cost-effective sampling strategy in small- to medium-sized rivers of the area. The task is a part of the hydrological and water quality monitoring of the rivers on the both side of the border which is partly carried out by automatic measurements.

Rakkolanjoki river in winter 2019
River Rakkolanjoki in winter 2019. Photo Antti Haapala


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