Tomi Heilala



Finnish Environment Institute Syke
Quality of information/Novel monitoring
Visiting address: Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 Helsinki
Tel. +358 29 525 2181


  • Geospatial data (GIS)
  • Databases and data handling (SQL)
  • Data-analysis (GIS, Python, SQL, Excel)
  • Reports and documentation (MS-Office)


Finnish Ecosystem Observatory FEO

Only in Finnish:

Lettojen esiintyminen, tila sekä ennallistamis- ja hoitotarpeet (LETOT)

Rantaluonnon suojelun puutteet – ilmastonmuutos, maankäyttö ja huonosti tunnettujen luontotyyppien selvitys (Ranta-Putte)

VierasVäylä project: Observation sites of endangered and other important species (meadow indicators) along roads and tracks, their possible concentrations on the map, and information about the presence of Garden lupin or Japanese rose near them. Roads and tracks crossing protected areas were also identified, as well as possible information on whether the aforementioned alien species have been observed in these areas. No project page.


Publication list

Published 2023-01-10 at 14:23, updated 2023-01-10 at 14:22

Target group: