Turn the tap on
Published: 2019-04-26
Photo: Visit Finland
Promoting Nordic tap water
"Turn the tap on - Rent vatten från kranen" campaign is launched to promote and educate tourists and locals about pure tap water ...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Turn the tap on
Best Practices Promoting Sustainable Urban Form - YKR-demo
Published: 2019-06-07
The project supports sustainable urbanization in Finnish cities and urban areas. It is carried out during 2019 and 2020 in collaboration with SYKE, Ministry of the ...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Best Practices Promoting Sustainable Urban Form - YKR-demo
Nutrients, energy and livelihood for the countryside from a biogas plant (BioRaEE)
Published: 2018-07-05
Project description
The Finnish government is aiming at increasing nutrient recycling. The aim is that in 2025 half of the farm animals’ manure and wastewater treatment plant sludge is recycled....
Research & development
Research and development projects
Nutrients, energy and livelihood for the countryside from a biogas plant (BioRaEE)
Published: 2018-04-17
InnoForESt analyses and fosters initiatives and networks in six case study regions in Europe, with an aim to explore potentials for the development of policy inst...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Aino Rekola
Content page
Published: 2018-02-12
MSocSc (Social and Public Policy, Environmental Sciences)
Email: firstname.surname@syke.fi
Tel: +358 2952 51871
Finnish Environment Institute (S......
Aino Rekola
Copernicus Global Land Lot 2 (C-GLOPS2)
Published: 2018-02-06
Copernicus Global Land Lot 2 is a component of the Copernicus Global Land Service addressing the thematic domain of cryosphere and water. One of the main objectives of Copernicus program is to provid...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Copernicus Global Land Lot 2 (C-GLOPS2)
Development of pan-European Multi-Sensor Snow Mapping Methods Exploiting Sentinel-1 (S1-4Sci Snow)
Published: 2018-02-14
The projects aims at the development of multisensor snow mapping methodology exploiting both optical and paricularly SAR-data. Target area is Europe. The project develops a practical algorithm that u...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Development of pan-European Multi-Sensor Snow Mapping Methods Exploiting Sentinel-1 (S1-4Sci Snow)
Content page
Published: 2023-05-02
If you want to use these logotypes, please contact the communications and marketing unit at Syke.
Primary logos for electronic media and Windows programmes
Logo of the Finnish Envir...
Syke Info
Ari Nissinen
Content page
Published: 2017-12-05
Unit director
PhD (Environmental Science and Policy), Docent / Associate professor (Environmental policy)
© Kai Widell
Contact information
Email: firstname.last......
Ari Nissinen
Value for money: unlocking the investment potential for resilient low-carbon Finnish building stock (Life EconomisE)
Published: 2017-11-14
The LIFE EconomisE project will demonstrate how influencing financial flows for the decarbonisation of building stock can deliver significant contributions towards 2020 and 2030 Climate and Energy ta...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Value for money: unlocking the investment potential for resilient low-carbon Finnish building stock (Life EconomisE)
Virpi Lehtoranta
Content page
Published: 2017-06-29
Senior researcher
Doctor of Science (Technology)
Contact information
E-mail: firstname.lastname@syke.f......
Virpi Lehtoranta
Syke Info
Content page
Published: 2023-01-11
© Kai Widell.
At the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke), we offer strong expertise and independent information on global phenomena such as climate change, biodiversity loss, overconsump...
Syke Info
CIRCWASTE - Towards Circular Economy in Finland
Published: 2017-04-13
CIRCWASTE is a seven-year LIFE IP project that promotes efficient use of material flows, waste prevention and new waste and resource management concepts. All actions contribute to implementing the na...
Research & development
Research and development projects
CIRCWASTE - Towards Circular Economy in Finland
Expert services for the development of the cooperation network of the Green Belt of Fennoscandia (GBF), phase II
Published: 2016-08-25
Extending from the Baltic Sea to the Arctic Ocean, the Green Belt includes valuable natural areas in Finland, Russia and Norway. Its core is made up of national parks and other prot...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Expert services for the development of the cooperation network of the Green Belt of Fennoscandia (GBF), phase II
Content page
Published: 2017-03-13
Carbon neutral municipalities - HINKU
Published: 2013-05-07
Municipalities as pioneers in climate change mitigation
The Carbon Neutral Municipalities project (Hinku project) brings municipalities, businesses, citizens and experts togeth...
Research & development
Research and development projects
Carbon neutral municipalities - HINKU
Content page
Published: 2015-09-04
Our newsletters are in Finnish only. You can find Syke's news in English in LinkedIn and Twitter:
Syke's news in LinkedIn
SYKEinternational Twitter @SYKEint
Syke is p...
Social media
Content page
Published: 2013-05-02
We publish interesting environmental news and events on Syke’s Facebook .
In addition to that Syke provides contents from different topics and projects to many Facebook pages:
Social media
Content page
Published: 2017-10-18
Finnish Environment Insitute (Syke) employs approximately 700 skilled and committed professionals. Our job is to protect the environment and to apply cross-disciplinary research and competence t...
Syke Info
Working at Syke
Content page
Published: 2016-03-30
Are you a natural scientist with extensive networks and good language skills? Or perhaps you hold a university degree in engineering and have experience in project work? Are you looking for a meaning...
Syke Info
Working at Syke