Ekosysteemitilinpitoon liittyviä hankkeita ja julkaisuja

Syken ekosysteemitilinpidon hankkeet 

Kansallinen ekosysteemipalveluiden taloudellisen merkityksen arviointi (Suomen TEEB) (Syke) 2013-2014

Kohti ekosysteemitilinpitoa - ESTAT-EEA (Syke, Luke) 2017–2018 

From existing environmental and economic data and models to experimental accounting of marine, freshwater and forest ecosystem services in Finland - 2018-FI-ECOSYSTEMS (Syke, Luke) 2018 

  • Loppuraportti julkaisematon, luonnos saatavilla pyynnöstä. 

Arctic Freshwater Capital in the Nordic Countries (Syke) 2016–2018 

Mapping and Assessment for Integrated Ecosystem Accounting – MAIA (Syke, osana konsortiota), 2018–2022 

Novel methods for the accounting of forest ecosystems and circular materials - 2019-FI-ENVECO (Syke, Luke) 2020–2021 

From Marine Ecosystem Accounting to Integrated Governance for Sustainable Planning of Marine and Coastal Areas – MAREA (Syke) 2020–2022 

Mereisten avainelinympäristöjen suojelu toiminnallisuudesta arvottamiseen – MERIAVAIN (Syke), 2018–2021 

Urban experimental ecosystem accounting pilot in the Nordic cities (Syke, NINA) 2021 

Developing pilot accounts for marine, freshwater and​ urban ecosystems and packaging materials – 2020-FI-ENVECOPACK (Syke, Luke) 2021–2023 

Vertaisarvioidut tieteelliset julkaisut (SYKE, Luke)

Lai, T.-Y., 2020. Valuing marine natural capital with multiple ecosystem services for ecosystem accounting by different valuation approaches (manuscript in doctoral dissertation). University of Helsinki

Lai, T.-Y., Salminen, J., Jäppinen, J.-P., Koljonen, S., Mononen, L., Nieminen, E., Vihervaara, P., Oinonen, S., 2018. Bridging the gap between ecosystem service indicators and ecosystem accounting in Finland. Ecological Modelling 377, 51–65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2018.03.006

Lankia, T., Neuvonen, M., Pouta, E., Sievänen, T., Torvelainen, J., 2020. Outdoor recreation in ecosystem service accounting: pilot accounts from Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 35, 186–197. https://doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2020.1760342

Mononen, L., Auvinen, A.-P., Ahokumpu, A.-L., Rönkä, M., Aarras, N., Tolvanen, H., Kamppinen, M., Viirret, E., Kumpula, T., Vihervaara, P., 2016. National ecosystem service indicators: Measures of social-ecological sustainability. Ecological Indicators, Developing and Applying Ecosystem Services Indicators in Decision-Support at Various Scales 61, 27–37. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.03.041

Oinonen, S., Gronbaek, L., Laukkanen, M., Levontin, P., Lindroos, M., Nieminen, E., Parkkila, K., Pintassilgo, P., Pulkkinen, H., & Romakkaniemi, A. (2016). International Fisheries Management and Recreational Benefits: The Case of Baltic Salmon. Marine Resource Economics, 31(4), 433-451. https://doi.org/10.1086/687987

Salminen, J.M., Veiste, P.J., Koskiaho, J.T., Tikkanen, S., 2018. Improving data quality, applicability and transparency of national water accounts – A case study for Finland. Water Resources and Economics 24, 25–39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. wre.2018.05.001

Virtanen, E.A., Viitasalo, M., Lappalainen, J., Moilanen, A., 2018. Evaluation, Gap Analysis, and Potential Expansion of the Finnish Marine Protected Area Network. Front. Mar. Sci. 5. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2018.00402


Arola, T. (2023). Ekosysteemitilinpidon käytön esteet ja mahdollistajat / Barriers and enablers of use of ecosystem accounting. Pro gradu, Bio- ja ympäristötieteellinen tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto. http://hdl.handle.net/10138/565000


Julkaistu 29.3.2022 klo 11.34, päivitetty 12.10.2023 klo 9.27