Johanna Suikkanen

Researcher, MSc. (Environmental Management and Policy) 


Tel.  +358 295 2523866
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Circular economy solutions
Policy and consumption
Visiting and postal address: Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 Helsinki

Linkedin: Johanna Suikkanen

Research and expertise

  • Circular economy policy and business models
  • Product policy
  • LCA in product policy
  • Voluntary eco-labels
  • Product Environmental Footprint
  • Nordic cooperation


the circular economy transition, my special areas of interest and expertise are voluntary measures and tools that support the change of markets and products. I have researched, among other things, the use of life cycle assessment in measures and in relation to other control measures of product policy, such as voluntary eco-labels. In my PhD I am researching what role ecolabels play for companies in the circularity transition. I represent Finland in the Nordic Working Group for Circular Economy. I have previously worked at the UN Environmental Program (UNEP) with topics relating to chemical safety and eco-innovation.



ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4560-4257 Julkaisut -

  • Life Cycle Assessment supports Sustainability Transformations: SYKE presents: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) by Suomen ympäristökeskus - Finnish Environment Institute - Finlands miljöcentral - Issuu
  • Suikkanen, J. & Nissinen, A. 2021. How do the revisions of the Nordic and EU ecolabel criteria reflect Circular Economy? PLATE Product Lifetimes And The Environment 2019 – Conference Proceedings. N.F. Nissen and M. Jaeger-Erben (Eds.). TU Berlin University Press. ISBN 978-3-7983-3124-2 (print), ISBN 978-3-7983-3125-9 (online).
  • Suikkanen, J. & Nissinen, A. 2020. Product Environmental Footprint method- Use for evaluating the climate impacts of public procurement. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 15en/2020 (also in Finnish).
  • Salo, H.H., Suikkanen, J., Nissinen, A., 2020. Eco‐innovation motivations and ecodesign tool implementation in companies in the Nordic textile and information technology sectors. Business Strategy and the Environment 29, 2654–2667.. doi:10.1002/bse.2527
  • Suikkanen, J., Nissinen A., & Wesnaes; M. 2019. Nordic Swan Ecolabel and Product Environmental Footprint: Focus on Product Environmental Information. TemaNord 2019:544.


Published 2017-09-06 at 14:52, updated 2024-08-19 at 9:32

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