Quality of information

Our society is facing environmental problems of increasing complexity, such as climate change, urbanisation and global challenges related to sustainable development. In order to resolve these burning issues, we need to generate reliable environmental information.

The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) supports environmental policy making by providing environmental information. We help policy-makers recognise the value of environmental information and support the production of high-quality environmental information. We promote cooperation between different environmental monitoring programmes.

We are developing new services and methods to support environmental research and monitoring. We apply techniques such as remote sensing, machine learning, molecular biology, and modelling. We promote openness and transparency in science and knowledge production.

We work in close cooperation with research institutions, companies and ministries. We are actively involved in national and international networks.


More information

unit director, quality of information
Saku Anttila

Published 2018-01-02 at 10:00, updated 2023-08-11 at 13:42
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