INSPIRE download services

INSPIRE directive is an EU directive that aims to create common European spatial data infrastructure. The spatial data infrastructure with common data models enables EU member state’s public administration’s spatial data to be shared and used in policy making both nationally and internationally.

Finnish Environment Instute’s (Syke) INSPIRE download services are implemented as Atom feeds, according to Technical Guidance for INSPIRE Download Services 3.1. Data reported by Syke to the INSPIRE Directive I, II and III annexes are available for download in GML format according to INSPIRE application schemas. There are also data in ‘as is’ national structure in Esri shapefile and TIFF formats with ETRS-TM35FIN coordinate system (EPSG: 3067). Raster datasets within the scope of INSPIRE directive are available via WCS service.


INSPIRE-directive includes spatial data from several themes © JRC.


Atom feed for INSPIRE compatible datasets (gml)

WCS services

Atom feed for Shapefile and TIFF datasets


Published 2023-04-20 at 8:35, updated 2023-04-19 at 12:35
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