WW 04/2024 - Wastewater analyses I


Proftest SYKE will organize a proficiency test for the analysis of BOD7, CODCr, CODMn, Na, suspended solids (SS), and TOC in wastewaters. Additionally, for BOD7 and CODMn analysis also natural water sample is available. 

The purpose of this proficiency test is to ensure the comparability and accuracy of the results of the participants. About 55 laboratories are expected to participate in this proficiency test. The organizing of this proficiency test is included in the accreditation scope (finas.fi/sites/en). 

Registration deadline is on 16 February 2024.
Registration is done via the electronic client interface, ProftestWEB: https://wwwp5.ymparisto.fi/Labtest/en. If there are problems when using ProftestWEB or you need username and password, please contact proftest@syke.fi.

Sample delivery date is 19 March 2024.
The final report for the proficiency test will be published in June 2024.


WW 04-2024 Infoletter_en.(pdf, 472 kb)

Published 2024-01-22 at 10:27, updated 2024-01-22 at 10:27