Maija Airos

Communication specialist

Contact information
Tel. +358 295 525 2293

Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Communication and marketing
Latokartanonkaari 11
FI-00790 Helsinki, Finland

Twitter: @AirosMaija
LinkedIn: Maija Airos

I started at Syke as a communication coordinator in the Autumn of 2022. However, I have been interested in environmental issues a lot longer than that, and that is why the best part of being a communication coordinator is the possibility to communicate about important topics such as mitigating climate change. 

My educational background is in political science.


  • Climate change mitigation
  • Solutions for stopping biodiversity loss

Examples of projects and networks that I am involved in


Published 2023-03-01 at 15:47, updated 2023-07-03 at 12:05

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