Ville Helminen

Senior research scientist

Contact information

Tel: +358 295 251 166

Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Built environment solutions
Urban development
Latokartanonkaari 11
FI-00790 Helsinki, Finland

Some publications

Saastamoinen, U., Vikström, S., Helminen, V., Lyytimäki, J., Nurmio, K., Nyberg, E. & Rantala, S. 2022. The limits of spatial data? Sense-making within the development and different uses of Finnish urban-rural classification. Land Use Policy 120, 106231. 

Karjalainen, L. E., Tiitu, M., Lyytimäki, J., Helminen, V., Tapio, P., Tuominen, A., Vasankari, T., Lehtimäki, J. & Paloniemi, R. 2021. Going carless in different urban fabrics: socio-demographics of household car ownership. Transportation (2021) 

Helminen V., Tiitu M., Kosonen L. & Ristimäki M. 2020. Identifying the areas of walking, transit and automobile urban fabrics in Finnish intermediate cities. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 8 (2020) 100257. 

Newman, P., Thomson, G., Helminen, V., Kosonen, L. & Terämä, E.2019. Sustainable Cities: How Urban Fabrics Theory Can Help Sustainable Development. Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 39/2019. 

Mäkinen, K., Kivimaa, P., Helminen, V. 2015. Path creation for urban mobility transitions – linking aspects of urban form to transport policy analysis. Management of Environmental Quality. Vol.26, Issue 4. 485-504. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 

Helminen V., Rita H., Ristimäki M., Kontio P. 2012, Commuting to the centre in different urban structures, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. Vol 39, 247-261. 

Ristimäki, M., Helminen, V., Kontio, P. 2011. Mobility and transport In: Piorr, Annette, Ravetz, Joe, Tosics, Ivan (eds.). Peri-urbanisation in Europe: Towards a European Policy to sustain Urban-Rural Futures. Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen : Academic Books Life Sciences. P. 61-64.

Helminen, V. & Ristimäki, M. 2007. The relation between commuting distance, frequency and telework in Finland. Journal of Transport Geography 15(5): 331-342. 


Published 2023-06-08 at 14:47, updated 2023-06-08 at 14:47

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