Utilization of acid sulfate soils (SmartASS)
Project | Published: 2024-02-21

  Background Due to climate change, the structure/infrastructure sector has recently paid more attention to more sustainable construction works/solutions, among others by using ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Utilization of acid sulfate soils (SmartASS)
Linda Karjalainen
Content page | Published: 2023-12-04

Researcher PhD (environmental sciences)   Contact information © Kuva: Oles Datsko Email: firstname.lastname@syke.fi Tel.: 029 525 1007 Finnish Environment......

Experts > Linda Karjalainen
Sampo Vesanen
Content page | Published: 2023-10-31

Researcher Contact information firstname.lastname@syke.fi +358 50 346 5301 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Built environment solutions Housing and mobility Linke......

Experts > Sampo Vesanen
Päivi Fjäder
Content page | Published: 2023-03-17

  Researcher MSc (Limnology)     Contact information Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Circular economy solutions Contaminants Latokar......

Experts > Päivi Fjäder
Nina Ahola
Content page | Published: 2023-01-24

Researcher MSc (Planning Geography) Contact information firstname.lastname@syke.fi +358 295 252 232 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Built environment solut......

Experts > Nina Ahola
Information and data systems
Content page | Published: 2022-09-29

Built environment information systems are developed and maintained to support land use planning, monitoring and research, and participatory planning processes. © Picture: ChengXi Zhang ...

Research & development > Built environment > Information and data systems
Built environment information system – RYTJ
Project | Published: 2023-02-17

Photo: The Ministry of the Environment   The new national built environment information system (Ryhti) gathers data related to construction and zoning. The system will have two ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Built environment information system – RYTJ
Digitally mediated decarbon communities in energy transition (DigiDecarbon)
Project | Published: 2023-08-10

  The “demand side” of the market, actions by citizens as consumers and producers of to low carbon energy now plays an increasing role in the decarbonization of energy and built environment...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Digitally mediated decarbon communities in energy transition (DigiDecarbon)
Päivi Malmi
Content page | Published: 2021-10-01

Project manager M.Sc. (Geography, regional planning) Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Digital services Latokartanonkaari 11, FI-00790 Helsinki email: first name.last n......

Experts > Päivi Malmi
Spatial information and residents' experiences for development of comfortable living environments
Project | Published: 2020-11-25

Research topics We focus on the accessibility to green and water areas within suburbs and their socio-economic variation between suburbs, as well as their role in supporting wellbeing....

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Spatial information and residents' experiences for development of comfortable living environments
Arto Viinikka
Content page | Published: 2020-10-22

Researcher FM (Geoinformatics) On leave from Syke Contant information firstname.lastname@syke.fi +358 40 6744 703 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Built e......

Experts > Arto Viinikka
Maija Tiitu
Content page | Published: 2020-10-15

Researcher   firstname.lastname@syke.fi +358 295 251 695 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Built environment solutions Urban nature group Doctoral researcher, ......

Experts > Maija Tiitu
Kati Vierikko
Content page | Published: 2019-10-29

Senior research scientist, group manager Docent (urban ecology) PhD (environmental sciences) M.sc. (systematic botany) Contact information Email: first name.last name@syke.f......

Experts > Kati Vierikko
Urban and regional planning with the young generation - URGENT
Project | Published: 2019-09-30

  CURRENT Recent articles:  Oinonen, I. & Paloniemi, R. 2024. Understanding and measuring young people’s sustainability actions . Journal of Enviro...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Urban and regional planning with the young generation - URGENT
Best Practices Promoting Sustainable Urban Form - YKR-demo
Project | Published: 2019-06-07

  Objectives The project supports sustainable urbanization in Finnish cities and urban areas. It is carried out during 2019 and 2020 in collaboration with SYKE, Ministry of the ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Best Practices Promoting Sustainable Urban Form - YKR-demo
Beyond MALPE-coordination: integrative envisioning - BEMINE
Project | Published: 2017-01-18

Beyond MALPE-coordination: integrative envisioning (BEMINE) aims to build upon the existing Finnish MALPE city-regional planning approach, which includes land use (M), housing (A), transport (L), ser...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Beyond MALPE-coordination: integrative envisioning - BEMINE
Article by SYKE researchers selected Highly Commended Paper by network awards for excellence
News | Published: 2016-04-29

The scientific article by Kirsi Mäkinen, Paula Kivimaa and Ville Helminen, “Path creation for urban mobility transitions - linking aspects of urban form to transport policy analysis” was published in ......

Same content on several places:
Current > News > Article by SYKE researchers selected Highly Commended Paper by network awards for excellence
Research & development > Built environment > Article by SYKE researchers selected Highly Commended Paper by network awards for excellence
Research & development > Climate change > Article by SYKE researchers selected Highly Commended Paper by network awards for excellence
Environmental impacts of land use have been underestimated
Press release | Published: 2015-08-10

© Vesa Kuusava Environmental impacts of land use have been widely assessed in recent years. In particular, carbon footprints of food and bioenergy production have been studied. Envir......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > Environmental impacts of land use have been underestimated
Research & development > Built environment > Environmental impacts of land use have been underestimated
Research & development > Climate change > Environmental impacts of land use have been underestimated
New phase of urbanisation within metropolitan areas — Helsinki lagging behind Stockholm
Press release | Published: 2015-06-15

A recent study on the metropolitan areas of Helsinki and Stockholm indicates that the urban form in the two regions has developed partially in different directions during the past 20 years. Stockholm ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > New phase of urbanisation within metropolitan areas — Helsinki lagging behind Stockholm
Research & development > Built environment > New phase of urbanisation within metropolitan areas — Helsinki lagging behind Stockholm
Urban Zones Applied in Planning (Urban Zone 3)
Project | Published: 2015-02-04

Urban Zone 3 project is dealing with the future development of the urban form in Finnish urban regions. Travel-related urban zone method is applied in various planning cases of different-sized Finnis...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Urban Zones Applied in Planning (Urban Zone 3)