Monitoring related to the theme ecosystem services

Monitoring activities related to the theme generate basic information on the current state of species and their habitats, all over Finland. SYKE gathers observations pertaining to cormorants, barnacle geese, day-active butterflies, and species in rivers and lakes. The majority of observations began in the 1990s, but freshwater species have been subject to observation since the 1960s. Factors observed include the abundance, distribution, and various elements of vitality of the species. The monitoring data are used in assessment of the current state of the species and their living environments, conservation needs, and the optimal level of conservation and sustainable use, and to develop methods for the protection, management, and restoration of biodiversity.


                                   © Petri Shemeikka

SYKE reports on its monitoring activities – for instance, the monitoring of natural habitats listed in the Habitats Directive – directly to the Ministry of the Environment. Depending on the species or habitat observed, the information is stored in Hertta or SYKE databases or published on the Web site.

In Finland, the Ministry of the Environment is responsible for organising nationwide biodiversity monitoring. Said ministry has tasked SYKE with the co-ordination of these activities. The monitoring activities organised by SYKE often involve co-operation with the local Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centres). Non-governmental organisations and volunteers play a major role in some activities.

Biodiversity monitoring is regulated by national and international legislation, such as the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, the EU Birds Directive and Habitats Directive, and the Finnish Nature Conservation Act and Decree.

Published 2013-05-02 at 16:24, updated 2023-12-21 at 13:41

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