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The number of cyanobacterial observations in lakes has increased during the Midsummer week, situation at sea remains calm

The number of cyanobacterial observations in inland waters has increased slightly since last week. In sea areas, the cool water is keeping the amount of blue green algae relatively low for the time be...

Cyanobacterial observations have slightly increased in lakes and at sea

Some cyanobacterial observations have been made in Finnish inland waters and sea areas, but the situation is typically calm for the early summer. At sea, cyanobacteria have been observed in sub-surfac...

Increasing tree harvest does not help to reach Paris agreement targets

A fresh review study shows that increased felling reduces carbon sequestered in forests significantly in both boreal and temperate regions. It is often argued that although increased harvesting does r...

The cyanobacterial situation is still calm in Finnish lakes and sea areas

In Finnish lakes and sea areas, no significant cyanobacterial observations have been made so far. The cool weather in early summer has not been conducive to the development of cyanobacterial blooms. I...

Information concerning the environmental impacts and health effects of plastics is lacking – more data is needed especially on health effects and impacts on terrestrial environment

Information on the environmental impacts and health effects of plastics is still lacking, tells a recent study by the Finnish Environment Institute and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. Pl...

Dissertation: Towards circular economy in wastewater management – Environmental impacts, benefits and drawbacks of improved nutrient recovery and recycling by source separation

According to the dissertation, source separation of wastewater would significantly increase the efficiency of nutrient recovery from wastewater. Meanwhile, the climate impact of wastewater treatment w...

The cyanobacterial situation is calm – no cyanobacterial observations in lakes or sea area

The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) has started reporting observations of summer 2022 cyanobacterial blooms this week. No cyanobacterial observations have yet been made in Finnish sea areas or in...

Risk of cyanobacterial blooms is considerable in Finnish sea areas this summer

The cyanobacterial bloom risk is considerable in the Gulf of Finland, the Archipelago Sea and the southern parts of the Bothnian Sea. The risk this summer is at the same level as previous summers.

Expert group: Use nutrients in wastewater to safeguard food production during the fertiliser crisis

Food security and nutrient self-sufficiency can be improved by enhancing nutrient recycling. A group of leading experts in agriculture, food production and the environment proposes a set of measures t...

Sorting of household waste in rural areas improved in North Karelia

The raising of awareness, resident cooperation and improvement of waste management infrastructure have improved waste sorting and reduced the amount of mixed waste in villages in North Karelia.

The significant role of volunteering in monitoring litter

The Finnish Rotary and the Governing Body of Suomenlinna are taking part in the monitoring and research work being carried out by the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE on the quantities, types and so...

Municipalities’ climate emissions decreased by 8.7% in 2020

According to the calculations by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), municipalities’ total climate emissions decreased by 8.7% in 2020 from the previous year.

Climate change has an impact, but human actions will determine the fate of the Baltic Sea

A comprehensive review of the effects of climate change on the Baltic Sea has been completed. According to this review, the temperature, ice conditions, oxygen concentration and also the ecosystem of ...

Dissertation: New approach in the assessment of impact of arsenic-based chemical warfare agents on marine environment

An estimated 50,000 tons of munitions containing chemical warfare agents have been dumped in the Baltic Sea. For her doctoral dissertation, Hanna Niemikoski, a researcher at SYKE studied the accumulat...

Finland’s best landscape project sought for the eighth time

The competition for Finland’s best landscape project is here once more. Projects in which landscapes have been successfully managed, protected or planned are invited to enter this competition organise...

Aranda's monitoring cruise: Baltic Sea oxygen level normal, but nutrient conditions have deteriorated

The research vessel Aranda has returned from its annual winter monitoring cruise. The cruise investigated the current physical and chemical state of Finnish sea areas and the levels of harmful substan...

Collecting nutrient data on individual field parcels into a digital data system would significantly enhance the efficiency of water protection in agriculture

A reform of environmental regulation of agriculture is currently under way. Maximum levels are being set for phosphorus-based fertilisers, and they will be applicable to all farms. Enforcement of the ...

New research shows areas where offshore wind power can be built without major damage to marine nature

Areas suitable for offshore wind power have been mapped in a new study. In the best areas, the production of wind energy is profitable, but the disadvantages for both people and marine nature remain s...

Household waste turns into new raw materials

The WasteLess Karelias project, funded by the Karelia CBC programme, revealed that all plastic, glass, cardboard and metal waste sorted in Juuka is treated either in Finland or abroad. Recycling produ...

Stronger management of hazardous chemicals is needed in industry

There is a clear need to increase the knowledge of the industrial sources of hazardous chemicals and to apply measures to reduce their use and emissions to the environment. Project HAZBREF proposes a ...


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