Zonation materials

On these pages you can find different materials made for different purposes.

In Brochures you will find materials for communication. You can freely distribute them to spread the word on Zonation.

In Posters you will find a collection of Zonation-related posters. All cases are from Finland.

In Reports you will find publicly available non-peer-reviewed reports on Finnish Zonation cases. All the reports by now (August 2018) are in Finnish. All of them have at least a Swedish abstract and some of them also have an English one. Most of the analyses in Finland have been done for real-life needs, and these reports are an essential part of the implementation and utilization of the final results.

In Presentations you will find presentations from congresses, lectures, public meetings etc.

Remember to respect copyrights! Always ask for permission to deliver or otherwise publicly utilize material made by someone else unless it is publicly notified to be free for delivering.

Published 2018-06-08 at 21:53, updated 2020-10-12 at 15:13
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