Päivi Sirkiä

Senior coordinator, group manager

PhD (evolutionary ecology)
Title of docent (ecology and evolutionary biology, University of Helsinki)

Contact information

Email: firstname.surname@syke.fi
Phone: +358 295 251 091

Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Nature solutions
Use of ecosystem information
Address: Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 Helsinki, Finland

Twitter: @PMSirkia

Current tasks

I work as a senior coordinator in the Finnish Ecosystem Observatory (FEO) at the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE. My current tasks include coordinating the automatization of biodiversity indicators and assessing the current state and needs to develop systematic monitoring of species in Finland.


  • Biodiversity
  • Monitoring, mapping, indicators
  • Evolutionary ecology
  • Birds


I started at the Finnish Environment Institute in October 2020. Before that I worked as a researcher and research coordinator in the monitoring team at the Finnish Museum of Natural History (Luomus) 2014–2020.

My background is in ecology and I defended my PhD “Maintenance of phenotypic variation in plumage colouration in a passerine bird” in 2011 at the University of Turku. Thereafter I have worked as a postdoc researcher at the University of Turku, at Uppsala University and at the Finnish Museum of Natural History. I have focused on the roles of environmental conditions (weather conditions, food availability and habitat) on the success of individuals. In addition, I have studied speciation, tritropich interactions and population ecology.

I am widely interested in the monitoring of the state of biodiversity. Birds and ornithology are my passion. I have been a member of the national expert group in birds lead by the Finnish Environment Institute from 2013 onwards.


Published 2020-11-24 at 13:19, updated 2023-07-21 at 10:49

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