
By using the search tool you will find the ongoing projects and projects completed in 2016 or later.

The search results are listed according to the order of which website has been published last, with the newest website listed at the top.

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Project Stage
DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good Environmental Status (DEVOTES)

The overall goal of DEVOTES is to better understand the relationships between pressures from human activities and climatic influences and their effects on marine ecosystems, including biological diver...

Identification of Priority Measures to Reduce Eutrophication from North-West Russia into the Gulf of Finland (PRIMER)

The overall objective of the whole study was a prioritised, cost effective and feasible programme of measures, both investments and institutional actions, to improve the water quality in the Neva Rive...

Expert services for the neighbouring area co-operation of the Ministry of the Environment (Russia)

The objective of the expert services was to support the Ministry of the Environment in the identification and appraisal of co-operation projects in Russia, ensure through monitoring and supervision th...

Hydrological, Environmental and Socio-economic Modelling Tools for the Lower Mekong Basin Impact Assessment. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia

The objective of the study was to develop a set of analytical tools to assist in the maintenance of desirable conditions of the Great Lake, that is, to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources ...

Towards Enhanced Protection of the Baltic Sea from Main Land-based Threats: Agricultural Waste Component & Hazardous Waste Component, Balthazar I

The objective of the Balthazar project was to assess the potential sources of nutrient loading from all types of large animal farms in the Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions and to perform a risk asses...

Multidisciplinary Project on Dissolved Organic Matter loading and its effects on the Baltic Sea (MULTIDOM)

Multidom-research group has expertise on soil ecology, hydrobiology, environmental economics, environmental history and politics. In this program, dissolved organic matter (DOM) loads from terrestrial...

Developing an algal filter for removal of nutrients (ALTUBBER)

In this project we will develop and test an algal turf scrubber under Finnish summer conditions. A community of algae will be grown in a biofilm on the turf scrubber and we will investigate the potent...

Biodiesel production from closed-algae growing systems using waste water of ethanol plant in Vietnam (ALGNAM)

In this project we aim to develop and build a pilot scale, tubular photobioreactor for growing microalgae in Vietnam. The reactor will use wastewater with high concentration of nutrients and CO2, whic...

Genetic diversity and phenotypic variability in Baltic Sea phytoplankton populations: Implications for ecological processes and adaptation to environmental change (PHYTOVAR)

Toimitetaan myöhemminBiodiversity is an important factor for the stability and functioning of ecosystems. In species poor systems experiencing rapid anthropogenic change population level diversity may...

Marine modellling

The idea of the project is to provide solutions for sustainable use of marine environment and protection as well as to provide future options to exploit marine natural resources (ecosystem services) i...

Ecology of the higher trophic levels of the Baltic Sea

The project seeks to perform holistic assessments and modeling of the food web structure and function to support sustainable management of marine resources.

Real time algal monitoring in the Baltic Sea (Alg@line)

The Alg@line -project was generated in 1993 to improve the coverage of existing pelagic monitoring in the Baltic Sea. Alg@line is a part of the FerryBox community, which wants to improve and share the...

Marine Research Capacity Development in Namibia (MARINAM)

The Government of Namibia procured a marine research vessel from Finland through a concessional credit arrangement in 2011-2012. During the process it became apparent that transfer of knowledge and ex...

Distribution, ecology and impacts of alien species in the Baltic Sea

Alien invasive species originate from other ecosystems, and are intentionally or unintentionally transferred to new environments by human actions. They have been identified as one of the major threats...

Regional Monitoring and Supervision Unit (RMSU) to provide Monitoring, Collection and Dissemination of Results of the MEDA Water Projects

The overall objective of the Regional Monitoring and Supervision Unit (RMSU) was to assist the beneficiaries and the implementing partners of the Actions funded under the MEDA Water Programme. The pro...

River Basin Management Programme, Bosnia&Herzegovina

The general objective of the entire programme was to support the institutional reforms in the water sector of Bosnia & Herzegovina. The activities undertaken were built upon the results of the 1st pha...

Project Preparation and Supervision in the Municipal Water Sector in North-West Russia

The project supported the Ministry's project preparation and supervision in the implementation of the cooperation programme with the Vodokanal of St. Petersburg, the Nordic Initiative programme and ot...

Establishment of an information system and a database for water management field according to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), Romania

The project established an information system and a coherent database for water management field according to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive.

Baltic Oil Spill Safety System, Russia

The aim of the Baltic Oil Spill Safety System Project was to help Russian authorities in improving the environmental monitoring of oil spills and in developing a Baltic global oil spill response syste...

Inventory and planning for the Finnish marine NATURA 2000 network (FINMARINET)

FINMARINET was a joint venture by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services, Geological Survey of Finland, Åbo Akademi and Turku University. It was co-funded un...

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