
By using the search tool you will find the ongoing projects and projects completed in 2016 or later.

The search results are listed according to the order of which website has been published last, with the newest website listed at the top.

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Project Stage
Nudging for climate: Using behavioral sciences for steering communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fortify carbon sinks (CLIMATE-NUDGE)

CLIMATE-NUDGE utilizes knowledge from behavioural sciences, especially nudging, in planning choice architecture to help communities and individuals choose environmentally friendlier options while main...

Urban circular economy in practice by managing the recovery of critical metals in micro-e-mobility: Technical solutions and governance implications (UC-Mobility)

The UC-Mobility project develops technological solutions for the recovery of critical raw materials from end-of-life micro-mobility devices, namely e-scooters and e-bikes. Critical metals, such as cob...

The GSGF in Finland — Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (GSFI)

Syke's role in the GSFI project is to develop a proposal for a new regional division of local statistical areas (small-areas) to increase the national interoperability of geospatial statistics. The pr...

Pathways for the Green Future - Supporting Finnish Municipalities in Urban Greening Plans (GreeningCities)

This project will help assess the readiness of municipalities for the implementation of urban greening plans necessary to achieve the EU Biodiversity Strategy and Soil Strategy for 2030 goals.

Built environment information system

The new national built environment information system (Ryhti) gathers data related to construction and zoning.

CircVol 2 6Aika project: Utilization of high-volume side streams and masses of soil in cities

The project encourages reusing and utilizing recycled materials in civil and urban construction. The aim is to save valuable and finite natural resources and to reduce the carbon footprint in civil co...

Synergies and trade-offs between carbon footprint and other environmental impacts of buildings (SynTra)

This project promotes construction of sustainable public buildings by increasing knowledge on how to achieve both low carbon footprint (CF) and resource-efficiency targets in buildings. We examine on ...

Developing pilot accounts for marine, freshwater and urban ecosystems and packaging materials (ENVECOPACK)

2020-FI-ENVECOPACK was a two-year research project co-financed by Eurostat and led by Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) in partnership with Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). The project h...

The discharge and environmental impacts of SBR granules from artificial turfs (TEKONURMI)

In the TEKONURMI project, the amount of SBR granule emissions from artificial turfs and the importance of the different routes of the granules are studied. The effects of SBR exposure on terrestrial i...

Indicators for sustainable urban development - KEKANUA

The project compiles indicator data for the needs of the UN New Urban Agenda and develops sustainable urban development indicators to support the monitoring of national sustainable urban development g...

Mixed use indices and urban fabrics supporting urban development (MIKSERI)

The objective of the MIKSERI project is to develop metrics describing land use mix and apply these to the development of the walking, transit and automobile city fabrics at different scales.

Spatial information and residents' experiences for development of comfortable living environments (HYVIÖ)

We focus on the accessibility to green and water areas within suburbs and their socio-economic variation between suburbs, as well as their role in supporting wellbeing. The comfort factors experienced...

Urban and regional planning with the young generation - collective and intergenerational learning encouraging sustainability transformations (URGENT)

In the transdisciplinary URGENT project, funded by the Academy of Finland, we study whether and how bringing together urban and regional planning with formal education and education for sustainable de...

Best Practices Promoting Sustainable Urban Form (YKR-demo)

The project supports sustainable urbanization and produces information about best practices to the revision of the Land Use and Building Act.

Collaborative remedies for fragmented societies – facilitating the collaborative turn in environmental decision-making (CORE)

CORE project studies and develops collaborative action in environmental planning and decision-making. CORE builds on the notions of interdependence and collaborative governance as responses to complex...

Beyond MALPE-coordination: integrative envisioning (BEMINE)

BEMINE project aims to enable capacity for developing and evaluating different development scenarios of sustainable Finnish urbanization and regionalization.

Coordinated and Integrated Permitting System (CIPS) in South Africa

The Overall Objective (intended long-term impact) of the Project was improved environmental governance in terms of enhanced service delivery of DEA by simplifying the environmental permitting processe...

Urban Zones Applied in Planning (Urban Zone 3)

Urban Zone 3 project is dealing with the future development of the urban form in Finnish urban regions. Travel-related urban zone method is applied in various planning cases of different-sized Finnish...

Change in Business Ecosystems for Local Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - Better Energy Services for Consumers (USE)

The consortium creates an understanding of transition in the area of sustainable energy by taking an integrated approach to examining developments regarding renewable energy and energy efficiency. Sp...

Operationalisation of Natural capital and Ecosystem Services: From concepts to real-world applications (OpenNESS)

OpenNESS aims to translate the concepts of Natural Capital (NC) and Ecosystem Services (ES) into operational frameworks that provide tested, practical and tailored solutions for integrating ES into la...

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