
By using the search tool you will find the ongoing projects and projects completed in 2016 or later.

The search results are listed according to the order of which website has been published last, with the newest website listed at the top.

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Water security for the planet (Water4All)

The aim of the Water4All Partnership is at enabling water security for all in the long term through boosting systemic transformations and changes across the entire research – water innovation pipeline...

Utilization of acid sulfate soils - SmartASS

The project aims to develop environmentally safe and sustainable methods for utilizing acidic sulfate soils in land construction.

Data-driven approach for development of recycling ecosystem and advanced modelling of environmental performance (DREAM)

Data-driven approach for development of recycling ecosystem and advanced modelling of environmental performance (DREAM) -project is a part of SPIRIT programme that aims to drive the sustainability tra...

Urban circular economy in practice by managing the recovery of critical metals in micro-e-mobility: Technical solutions and governance implications (UC-Mobility)

The UC-Mobility project develops technological solutions for the recovery of critical raw materials from end-of-life micro-mobility devices, namely e-scooters and e-bikes. Critical metals, such as cob...

Hazardous industrial chemicals in the IED BREFs (HAZBREF)

The Industrial Emissions Directive is the main instrument on the EU level to control hazardous substances that are released from industrial sites. However, its reference documents, or BREFs, currently...

PlastLIFE SIP – Re-thinking plastics in a sustainable circular economy

PlastLIFE SIP – Re-thinking plastics in a sustainable circular economy project promotes the implementation of the Plastics Roadmap for Finland (PRfF) during seven years, 2023–2029. The ultimate objec...

Finnish material flow analysis and scenario work on the use of natural resources in support of circular economy agreement

The aim of the project is to promote the capacity to monitor the objectives of the Strategic Programme for Circular Economy and to strengthen the knowledge base of various actors (industry association...

WasteLess Karelias

The project tackles littering and improves waste management in rural villages in North Karelia, Finland, and the Karelian Republic, Russia. We encourage and support local residents, authorities and co...

Leveraging sustainability transformation (LEVERAGE)

LEVERAGE project aims to identify and showcase various systemic changes that support the impact of SYKE research on sustainability transformation. In the project, potential leverage points on sustaina...

Bioassays as tools for assessing the safety of sewage sludge-based fertilizer use - harmful substances and microplastics under observation (BIOLTA)

The aims of this project are - Identifying the most appropriate bioassay methods to investigate the adverse effects of sewage sludge-based fertilizers - Examining the concentrations, bioavailability...

Ceramic Demolition Waste in Circular Economy (KERPUR)

The project is promoting circularity of ceramic demolition waste, which is currently underused resource. The project includes pilot tests with companies, review on law and regulatory status, and envir...

CircVol 2 6Aika project: Utilization of high-volume side streams and masses of soil in cities

The project encourages reusing and utilizing recycled materials in civil and urban construction. The aim is to save valuable and finite natural resources and to reduce the carbon footprint in civil co...

Developing pilot accounts for marine, freshwater and urban ecosystems and packaging materials (ENVECOPACK)

2020-FI-ENVECOPACK was a two-year research project co-financed by Eurostat and led by Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) in partnership with Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). The project h...

Circular Design Network (CircDNet)

The main objectives of the CircDNet-project are: to enable circular design and new transformative concepts via data, knowledge and system understanding, to bring scientific data to industrial and comm...

Circular Economy and product policy instruments (KITUPO)

The project analyses the possibilities for further developing the ecodesign principles and extended producer responsibility as well as the use of other potential product policy instruments to promote ...

Just transition: Tackling inequalities on the way to a sustainable, healthy and climate-neutral food system (JUST-FOOD)

JUST FOOD explores and develops means for making the transition to a healthy and climate-smart food system just, sustainable, and socially acceptable.

Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions (Canemure)

Canemure, the Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions -project implements practical measures for climate change mitigation during a six year period, from 2018 to 2024. Alongside practical cl...

Nutrients, energy and livelihood for the countryside from a biogas plant (BioRaEE)

In this project, we assess farmers’ needs for recycled fertilizers and assess their environmental impacts for both farms and production chains. Refinement of biogas digestate is under an evaluation. R...

Experimentation culture in Finland - Lessons learned, systemic operations model and recommendations (KOKSU)

Promoting experiments and experimentation culture is one of the main means how Prime Minister Sipilä’s Government Programme is renewing society. The project Experimentation culture in Finland - Lesson...

Promotion of sustainable circular bioeconomy in North Karelia

The collaborative project of Finnish Environment Institute and Natural Resources Institute Finland during years 2018-2020 primarily targets at developing sustainable business models for actors in circ...

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