
By using the search tool you will find the ongoing projects and projects completed in 2016 or later.

The search results are listed according to the order of which website has been published last, with the newest website listed at the top.

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Project Stage
Passive Sampler Screening of Pharmaceuticals in the Gulf of Finland

MEDGoF Project, run by the Finnish Environment Institute, comprehensive information is produced on the presence of pharmaceuticals and the risks they pose for the ecosystem of the Gulf of Finland.

Validation of High Resolution Water, Snow, and Ice (HR-WSI)

The objective is to independently and timely validate the new Pan-European High Resolution water, snow and ice (HR-WSI) Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS). 

Plastic in Agricultural Production: Impacts, Lifecycles and LONg-term Sustainability (PAPILLONS)

EU Horizon2020 funded project PAPILLONS maps the occurrence of microplastics in European agricultural soils, examines the transportation of micro and nano-plastics from the soil to organisms and the a...

Sustainable green transition in Barents region

The aim of the project is to support socio-ecological sustainability of the green transition in the Barents region.

Recovering nutrients: Feasibility of closed-circuit hypolimnetic withdrawal (RaPo)

The aim of RaPo -project is to develop the cost-effectiveness of closed-circuit hypolimnetic withdrawal method by piloting and monitoring the impacts at a new lake site (Lake Linkullasjön, southern Fi...

Urban circular economy in practice by managing the recovery of critical metals in micro-e-mobility: Technical solutions and governance implications (UC-Mobility)

The UC-Mobility project develops technological solutions for the recovery of critical raw materials from end-of-life micro-mobility devices, namely e-scooters and e-bikes. Critical metals, such as cob...

Tailored downstream applications/products–from Copernicus to coastal and inland water monitoring

EU’s directives, such as the Water Framework Directive (WFD) set requirements for the participating countries to monitor coastal and lakes areas with high frequency and coverage. The overarching objec...

The GSGF in Finland — Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (GSFI)

Syke's role in the GSFI project is to develop a proposal for a new regional division of local statistical areas (small-areas) to increase the national interoperability of geospatial statistics. The pr...

Benthic nitrous oxide cycling in a changing coastal sea (BENNO)

Will the coastal Baltic Sea become a source or sink of nitrous oxide in the future? By using a multidisciplinary approach that combines micro-sensor techniques with microbial functional gene expressio...

The key questions of plastics recycling (Muoviavain project)

The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) and ResourceLoop Oy will together study the current status and future perspectives of plastics recycling and markets of secondary plastics in Finland. The stud...

Governance innovations for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe GOVAQUA

GOVAQUA identifies, assesses, develops and validates innovative governance instruments and approaches to support and accelerate transition towards sustainable and equitable water use in Europe. GOVAQU...

Co-operation for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CO-OP4CBD)

A development project for the improvement of the scientific and expert support offered to the European negotiators of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Environmental quality standards in the management of groundwater pollution

The main objective of the ”LaatuNOPPA” research project is to produce information on how the groundwater protection should be considered in the national regulation in Finland and how the regulation s...

Facing system change together: Citizen deliberation in informed and just climate transitions (FACTOR)

FACTOR explores how citizen deliberation can facilitate just and informed climate transition. FACTOR analyzes various obstacles for an agreement regarding climate justice, including individual biases ...

CLIWATE – Cooperation in environmental education with Baltic states

CLIWATE-project promotes environmental education between Finland and Baltic states. The main themes include ways to help citizens limit and adapt to changing climate, practices of sustainable water us...

Biodiverse living environment as a promoter of long-term health in urban and rural areas (Green Childhood)

This project aims to describe the impact of neighborhood biodiversity on the risk of non-communicable diseases in children. We also study if gut microbes could potentially mediate this effect. Project...

Infrastructure for Marine and Inland Water Research (AquaINFRA)

The objective of this project is to develop a virtual environment equipped with FAIR multi-disciplinary data and services to support marine and freshwater scientists and stakeholders restoring healthy...

Green and digital transition in river basin management (Green-Digi-Basin)

Green-Digi-Basin is targeted to find the most effective green solutions for the boreal-subarctic river basins and improve existing calculations for river connectivity, i.e. nutrient and carbon loads t...

Urban cooperation of the Baltic Sea countries for the protection of the marine environment (BALTICITIES)

The BALTICITIES Project promotes the sustainable use and preservation of the Baltic Sea marine environment from a city-municipal level perspective. This effort is facilitated by weaving a Fin-Baltic c...

Modelling and assessment of freshwater biodiversity loss using biological monitoring data (VESIBIO)

Modelling and assessment of freshwater biodiversity loss using biological monitoring data

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