© Mats Westerbom
Main Goals
1. Awareness of draft Baltic Sea standards and tools for management of underwater noise
A thorough basis for standardised and appropriate management of underwater noise in the Baltic Sea
2. Demonstration of national and regional advantages of a transnational approach for management of underwater noise
A plan for cost-efficient and regionally coordinated management of underwater noise in the Baltic Sea
3. Initial assessment of underwater noise in the Baltic Sea
GIS layers serving as a thorough basis for future management decisions on human activities generating underwater noise, and for future evaluation of indicators on the environmental status of the Baltic Sea
4. Implementation of a planning tool for straightforward management of intermittent underwater noise sources
Experience and knowledge of the user-friendly BIAS tool by a national responsible authority
Example of the above demonstrated for all other EU Member States bordering the Baltic Sea
5. Establishment of draft Baltic Sea standards and tools for management of underwater noise
Draft Baltic Sea standards for recording, handling and processing data on underwater noise
Data-sharing platform containing standardised and quality assured data on underwater noise in the Baltic Sea
© Jukka Pajala
Underwater sounds
Related links
Further information
Senior Adviser Jukka Pajala, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE),
tel. +358 (0) 295 251 491, firstname.lastname@ymparisto.fi
Participating organisations
- Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) (Main coordinator)
- Aarhus University (AU)
- Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
- Foundation of the Development of University of Gdañsk (FRUG)
- German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH)
- Institute for Technical and Applied Physics (ITAP)
- Syddansk Universitet (SDU)
- Tallinn University of Technology (TUT)