Updated urban-rural classification: Finland’s degree of urbanisation currently at over 72 per cent
Press release | Published: 2020-05-29

According to the updated urban-rural classification, more than 72 per cent of the Finnish population now reside in the urban areas of the country. The degree of urbanisation has increased more than tw......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > Updated urban-rural classification: Finland’s degree of urbanisation currently at over 72 per cent
Current > Updated urban-rural classification: Finland’s degree of urbanisation currently at over 72 per cent
Open information > > Updated urban-rural classification: Finland’s degree of urbanisation currently at over 72 per cent
Open information > Updated urban-rural classification: Finland’s degree of urbanisation currently at over 72 per cent
Research & development > Built environment > Updated urban-rural classification: Finland’s degree of urbanisation currently at over 72 per cent
Research & development > Urbanisation > Updated urban-rural classification: Finland’s degree of urbanisation currently at over 72 per cent
Focus on basic security, education, and participation
Content page | Published: 2018-09-13

Sustainable well-being cannot be implemented without fair distribution of resources. Decisions on emission reductions or protecting biodiversity cannot succeed if people do not find them acceptable. ......

Finland and sustainable well-being > How does society need to change? > Focus on basic security, education, and participation
Finns value urban living
Press release | Published: 2017-06-20

According to the latest “Asukasbarometri” (Residents’ barometer) survey, more and more Finns want to live in an urban environment. Urbanisation is also seen in changes in life style such as the increa......

Same content on several places:
Current > Finns value urban living
Current > Press releases > Finns value urban living
Research & development > Built environment > Finns value urban living
Article by SYKE researchers selected Highly Commended Paper by network awards for excellence
News | Published: 2016-04-29

The scientific article by Kirsi Mäkinen, Paula Kivimaa and Ville Helminen, “Path creation for urban mobility transitions - linking aspects of urban form to transport policy analysis” was published in ......

Same content on several places:
Current > News > Article by SYKE researchers selected Highly Commended Paper by network awards for excellence
Research & development > Built environment > Article by SYKE researchers selected Highly Commended Paper by network awards for excellence
Research & development > Climate change > Article by SYKE researchers selected Highly Commended Paper by network awards for excellence
New phase of urbanisation within metropolitan areas — Helsinki lagging behind Stockholm
Press release | Published: 2015-06-15

A recent study on the metropolitan areas of Helsinki and Stockholm indicates that the urban form in the two regions has developed partially in different directions during the past 20 years. Stockholm ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > New phase of urbanisation within metropolitan areas — Helsinki lagging behind Stockholm
Research & development > Built environment > New phase of urbanisation within metropolitan areas — Helsinki lagging behind Stockholm