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Action 3: Climate Scenarios
Content page | Published: 2013-05-05

  Climate change scenarios indicate that warming of the lower troposphere increases northwards. Changes in precipitation, daily minimum and maximum temperature, solar radiation, snow...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA) > Action 3: Climate Scenarios
Action 4: Synthesis and Dissemination
Content page | Published: 2013-05-05

This action will focus on the synthesis and dissemination of the results of the entire project. The action will produce the main general dissemination material of the project (www-pages, broch...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA) > Action 4: Synthesis and Dissemination
Action 5: Coastal Ecosystems
Content page | Published: 2013-05-05

This action will focus on the coastal ecosystems in the Western Gulf of Finland. The region comprises a number of natural resources with conservation, recreation, or economic values, which are...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA) > Action 5: Coastal Ecosystems
Action 6: Urban Environments
Content page | Published: 2013-05-05

Today, over 50% of the global human population lives in cities. The urban population is estimated to grow rapidly still in the future. Increased human population and the consequent urbanizatio...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA) > Action 6: Urban Environments
Action 7: Agricultural Production
Content page | Published: 2013-05-05

This action aims to demonstrate how climate change may affect agricultural production and environment, including impacts on productivity of farming, choice of crops and production methods, imp...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA) > Action 7: Agricultural Production
Action 8: Catchments and Lakes
Content page | Published: 2013-05-05

Terrestrial and lake ecosystems in the boreal zone are sensitive in respect to changes in climatic conditions. In warmer climate the productivity of both ecosystems may increase because of lon...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA) > Action 8: Catchments and Lakes
Action 9: Forest Production
Content page | Published: 2013-05-05

The action attempts to clarify how climate change will influence the forest production and production conditions and how that will influence the productivity of alternative silvicultural schem...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA) > Action 9: Forest Production
Description of the VACCIA Project
Content page | Published: 2013-05-05

The first major project of the FinLTSER-network started 1.1.2009 with funding from the LIFE+ instrument of the EU. The VACCIA-project (Vulnerability assessment of ecosystem services for climat...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA) > Description of the VACCIA Project
Action 1: Project Management
Content page | Published: 2013-05-05

  This action will focus on the technical and financial management of the project. The components of the management structure are: 1) Management Board formed by the project leader (...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA) > Action 1: Project Management
Social media
Content page | Published: 2013-05-02

Facebook We publish interesting environmental news and events on Syke’s Facebook . In addition to that Syke provides contents from different topics and projects to many Facebook pages: ...

Current > Social media
Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA)
Project | Published: 2015-10-09

VACCIA has been selected as the Best LIFE Environment project 2012 ! VACCIA  is continuing to have a wide-reaching impact:  Finnish 'Best of' 2012 environment project sets clim...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA)
Content page | Published: 2017-10-18

Finnish Environment Insitute (Syke) employs approximately 700 skilled and committed professionals. Our job is to protect the environment and to apply cross-disciplinary research and competence t...

Syke Info > Working at Syke > Personnel
Research and development projects
Content page | Published: 2020-07-14

The goal of the environmental research conducted by the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) is to guarantee that our environment remains safe and favourable for people to live in, while ...

Research & development > Research and development projects
Content page | Published: 2016-03-30

Are you a natural scientist with extensive networks and good language skills? Or perhaps you hold a university degree in engineering and have experience in project work? Are you looking for a meaning...

Syke Info > Working at Syke > Jobs
Elimination of nitrate in soil and groundwater at fur farm (NITROS)
Project | Published: 2013-04-18

Shortcut: Background Research objectives and methods Investigations at the field site Conclusions from the field study Project organ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Elimination of nitrate in soil and groundwater at fur farm (NITROS)
Content page | Published: 2013-05-06

Pollution prevention controls include the environmental permits required by law for certain activities. Different kinds of permits are granted by various environmental authorities, including Finland'...

Services > Permits
Migration of alternative de-icing chemicals in aquifers (MIDAS)
Project | Published: 2013-04-17

Shortcut: Background Studies on laboratory scale and in sand columns (1998-2001) Full scale studies (2002-2010) Key conclusions and applica...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Migration of alternative de-icing chemicals in aquifers (MIDAS)

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