The broad goal of the ESTAT-EEA project is to complement the main development of the Knowledge Innovation Project (KIP INCA) at EU level by experimental work that will test the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting – Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EEA) framework in Finland in line with the methodological advancements already achieved under Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) and KIP INCA3.
The project will focus on improving national capacity to proceed ecosystem accounting, show gaps and possibilities in data and knowledge in general and related to the three pilot cases, and to increase the awareness of national key stakeholders on ecosystem accounting and the future needs.
The workpackages of the ESTAT-EEA project
- WP1 Data sources and gaps
- WP2 Pilot tests of ecosystem services supply and use accounts in physical and monetary units
- Task 1 Ecosystem monetary asset account for commercial marine fish (provisioning service)
- Task 2A: Review of available methods for biophysical carbon accounting in Finland (regulating service)
- Task 2B: Assessment of forest carbon valuation in monetary terms in ecosystem accounts
- Task 3: Pilot accounting of recreation (cultural service)
- WP3 Coordination
Lai et al. 2018.
Bridging the gap between ecosystem service indicators and ecosystem accounting in Finland. Ecological Modelling 377:51-65
Vihervaara et al. 2018. Towards ecosystem accounting based on innovations and insights on natural capital knowledge, Finlad, Final report
Contact person
Petteri Vihervaara, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE,