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Sustainable green transition in the Barents region
Published: 2023-07-21

Green transition creates new pressures to land use in the Barents region. The project aims to promote biodiversity conversation and knowledge to support sustainble green transition.  T...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Sustainable green transition in the Barents region
Published: 2023-06-29

Youth camps 17– 21 July 2023: International Biodiversity and Climate camp Camping Milleri, Salacgrīva, Latvia Participants: Young people from Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Or...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Cooperation in environmental education in Baltic countries (CLIWATE) > Activities
Baltic Sea camp
Published: 2023-06-28

31 July– 5 August 2023: International Baltic Sea camp Tvärminne zoological station, Hanko, Finland Participants: Young people from Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania The BALTICITIES...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Urban cooperation of the Baltic Sea countries in the protection of the marine environment (BALTICITIES) > Events > Baltic Sea camp
Full programme
Published: 2023-06-28

The Baltic Sea Science Congress 2023: Full Programme The programme has been published on 28 June.  Please note, that program is still subject to changes. FULL PROGRAM ONL...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Baltic Sea Science Congress 2023 > Scientific programme > Full programme
Recovering nutrients: Feasibility of closed-circuit hypolimnetic withdrawal (RaPo)
Published: 2023-06-21

Background Eutrophication of lakes results from excessive increase in nutrient concentrations, often phosphorus. Eutrophication weakens the ecological status of lakes, threatens the species depe...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Recovering nutrients: Feasibility of closed-circuit hypolimnetic withdrawal (RaPo)
Data-driven approach for development of recycling ecosystem and advanced modelling of environmental performance (DREAM)
Published: 2023-06-05

Project background and objectives Data-driven approach for development of recycling ecosystem and advanced modelling of environmental performance (DREAM) -project is a part of SPIRIT programme t...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Data-driven approach for development of recycling ecosystem and advanced modelling of environmental performance (DREAM)
The National Environmental Reference Laboratory Syke
Published: 2023-06-05

The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) has acted as the national environmental reference laboratory since 2001 according to the Finnish Environmental Protection Act (527/2014). As the reference lab...

Services > Quality and laboratory services > The National Environmental Reference Laboratory Syke
Campaign - Seashore stories
Published: 2023-06-01

    Baltic Seashore Stories is a campaign organized by the Finnish Environment Institute and BALTICITIES project partners to raise awareness about the Baltic Sea environmen...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Urban cooperation of the Baltic Sea countries in the protection of the marine environment (BALTICITIES) > Campaign - Seashore stories
R/V Aranda's open doors
Published: 2023-05-31

© Photos: Ilkka Lastumäki During 2023 the Finnish national research vessel Aranda opens doors to the public  in its home town Helsinki, Finland, and in three coastal cities: Klaipe...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Urban cooperation of the Baltic Sea countries in the protection of the marine environment (BALTICITIES) > Events > R/V Aranda's open doors
Published: 2023-05-29

Current > Havaintoja-blogi
Published: 2023-05-29

Current > Ratkaisuja-blogi
Urban circular economy in practice by managing the recovery of critical metals in micro-e-mobility: Technical solutions and governance implications (UC-Mobility)
Published: 2023-05-26

During this project, Finnish Environment Institute will assess the environmental impacts of the new process technology as well as the wider system-level impacts of micro-mobility in cities. The proje...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Urban circular economy in practice by managing the recovery of critical metals in micro-e-mobility: Technical solutions and governance implications (UC-Mobility)
Example project (MODEL)
Published: 2023-05-25

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Example project (MODEL)
Keynote speakers
Published: 2023-05-17

Dr. Inga Lips   Inga Lips is the Secretary General of the European Global Observing System (EuroGOOS).  She has combined biological and physical oceanography i...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Baltic Sea Science Congress 2023 > Scientific programme > Keynote speakers
Tailored downstream applications/products–from Copernicus to coastal and inland water monitoring
Published: 2023-05-17

EU’s directives, such as the Water Framework Directive (WFD) set requirements for the participating countries to monitor coastal and lakes areas with high frequency and coverage. The overarching obje...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Tailored downstream applications/products–from Copernicus to coastal and inland water monitoring
Conflict Analysis Tool for Water Diplomacy
Published: 2023-05-12

Conflict Analysis for Water Diplomacy Water diplomacy aims at preventing, mitigating, and resolving tensions related to shared water resources by combining the means of diplomacy and water exper...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Water Cooperation and Peace - Finnish Water Way > Conflict Analysis Tool for Water Diplomacy
Published: 2023-05-03

Finnish Environment Institute's research results are published in international and national scientific publication series and also in professional and general-interest publications. In addition, we ...

Research & development > Climate change > Publications
Published: 2023-05-02

If you want to use these logotypes, please contact the communications and marketing unit at Syke. Primary logos for electronic media and Windows programmes Logo of the Finnish Envir...

Syke Info > Logotypes
Welcome to Helsinki
Published: 2023-04-24

© Kuva: Jussi Hellsten, Helsinki Partners Helsinki is the capital of Finland – the happiest country in the world. Helsinki is a totally unique combination of quirky urbanity and peac...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Baltic Sea Science Congress 2023 > Welcome to Helsinki
Government Programme 2023
Published: 2023-04-21

A new Government will be formed in Finland and a Government Programme will be drawn up for the period 2023–2027. The aim is to build the well-being and safety of society on a sustainable economic bas...

Current > Government Programme 2023

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