Finnish Ecosystem Accounting Network of Actors

The Finnish Ecosystem Accounting Network of Actors is a free-form network of actors interested in ecosystem accounting which was established in June 2022. The network consists of fifty Finnish actors representing different authorities, research institutes, universities, municipalities and companies. The network is coordinated by Syke and in its first year of operation it has organised two workshops in Helsinki and Jyväskylä.

Workshop in Tampere 12.6.2023

Third network meeting was hosted by City of Tampere on 12.6.2023. The topic in the morning session was municipal ecosystem accounting, which was followed by a Sitra-led workshop in the afternoon discussing about different ecosystem accounting data needs. Around 23 people attended the event and 5 remotely. Presentations of the event will be available on request or to network members on the Teams channel.

Workshop programme:

  • Avaussanat, Kaisa Mustajärvi, Tampereen kaupunki
  • Kokemuksia kunnallisen ekosysteemitilinpidon kehittämisestä Suomessa ja askelmerkkejä eteenpäin, Leena Kopperoinen, Syke
  • Tampereen kokemukset ensimmäisistä kunnallisen ekosysteemitilinpidon pilotoinneista, Emmi Nieminen, Tampereen kaupunki
  • Ekosysteemitilinpidon potentiaali ja rajoitteet kunnan näkökulmasta, Eija Vinnari, Tampereen yliopisto
  • Ekologinen kompensaatio kuntien maankäytössä - yhteydet ekosysteemitilinpitoon, Panu Halme, Jyväskylän yliopisto
  • Quantifying the condition of urban and natural ecosystems: Whole system or sum of its parts, Oleksandr Galychyn, Syke
  • Ekosysteemitilinpidon hyödyntäminen päätöksenteossa - käytettävyyden esteet ja mahdollistajat, Terhi Arola, Syke
  • Luontojalanjälki ja tulevaisuuden tuloslaskelma,Sami El Geneidy, Jyväskylän yliopisto
  • Ympäristötilinpito merensuojelun ja ennallistamisen tukena, Liisa Saikkonen, Syke

Workshop in Jyväskylä 30.11.2022

The second meeting of the network was held on 30 November 2022 at the University of Jyväskylä, as a guest of the JYU.wisdom. The network meeting focused on hearing the perspectives of the various actors in the network and discussed the continuation of the network. In addition, the network meeting gained international perspective through a speech and discussion by a representative of the Capitals Coalition. At the end of the event, the agenda of the next network meeting was discussed, the possibility of being part of the Capitals Coalition's local networks, and identifying the need to consider the goals and purpose of the network. The creation of a common synthesis paper on the state of ecosystem accounts in Finland was also considered and what different perspectives are related to the topic. The City of Tampere will organise the next ecosystem accounting network meeting in the spring or summer of 2023.

Approximately 20 people attended the event and remotely around 38 people. Presentations of the event will be available on request or to network members on the Teams channel.

Workshop programme:

  • Johdanto ekosysteemitilinpitoon, Soile Oinonen, Syke
  • Tilannepäivitys ympäristötilinpidon asetusmuutoksen etenemisestä, Johanna Pakarinen, Statistics Finland
  • Capitals Coalition: Natural capital Accounting and integrated approach, Louise Amand, Capitals Coalition. Additional information about the protocols and case study database.
  • Kohti merien ekosysteemitilinpitoa, Susanna Jernberg, Tommi Tikkanen & Liisa Saikkonen, Syke
  • Vesiekosysteemitilinpidon esiselvitys -hanke, Soile Oinonen, Syke
  • Metsien ekosysteemipalveluiden skenaarioanalyysi, Daniel Burgas, JYU.Wisdom
  • Luontojalanjäljen indikaattorit, Maiju Peura, JYU.Wisdom
  • Sitran näkökulmia luonto ja talous -teemaan, Outi Haanperä, Sitra
  • Luontopaneelin Kuilu-hanke, Johanna Kangas, Suomen Luontopaneeli / Helsingin yliopisto

Foundational workshop in Helsinki 14.6.2022

On 14 June 2022, Syke organised the event “Towards a network of actors in ecosystem accounting?”. There is a clear need for a network of actors because the operational deployment of ecosystem accounts in Finland requires cooperation between different actors such as public authorities, research institutes, universities, companies and municipalities to be successful. The aim of this event was to initiate this debate with speeches and to bring together Finnish producers and users of ecosystem service information to discuss the needs and steps to develop ecosystem accounts.

The event was attended by 34 people representing the following actors in addition to Syke: University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä, Natural Resources Institute, City of Tampere, City of Helsinki, Statistics Finland, Ministry of Finance, VTT, Finnish Independence Fund Sitra and Metsä Group. All presentations of the event will be available from the links on this page. The occasion was tweeted from the account @EStilinpito and shared with the #ekosysteemitilinpito tag.

The network discussion for the rest of the day began by reflecting on the actors in ecosystem accounting and their roles, and by reviewing potential Finnish translations on key ecosystem accounting terminology. Cooperation with the Helsinki term bank for the Arts and Sciences was recommended, as well as the Environmental accounting term bank by Statistics Finland. There was also discussion on the creation and communication of a the network. Syke promised to organize the channels of internal communication within the network. Finally there was a discussion who would like to convene the next workshop and multiple volunteers were identified. It was tentatively agreed that the next workshops would be organized in autumn 2022 and spring 2023. This will be further informed later.

The event was part of EU H2020 funded Mapping and assessment for Integrated Ecosystem Accounting (MAIA) project, which aims to streamline natural capital accounting in EU countries. The Finnish Ecosystem Observatory (FEO) project, funded by Ministry of Environment, promotes the usability of input data for ecosystem accounting through practical pilot studies.

See the links below to learn more about the programme and speeches (in Finnish only).

Workshop programme

Tervetuloa & tilaisuuden tavoitteet, Soile Oinonen, Suomen ympäristökeskus

Ekosysteemitilinpidon tilannekatsaus EU:ssa ja Suomessa, Pekka Hurskainen, Suomen ympäristökeskus

Luontopääoma kansantaloudessa, Sami Hautakangas, Valtiovarainministeriö

Suomen ekosysteemiobservatorion rooli kansallisen biodiversiteettistrategian toimeenpanossa, Joona Lehtomäki & Peter Kullberg, Ympäristöministeriö ja Suomen ympäristökeskus

Ympäristötilinpito kestävän kehityksen mittarina, Johanna Pakarinen, Tilastokeskus

Ekosysteemipalvelut – käytännön toimijan tietotarpeet, Timo Lehesvirta, Metsä Group

Tilinpito virkistyskäyttöstrategian tukena, Tuija Lankia, Luonnonvarakeskus

Ekosysteemitilinpito Suomen merenhoidon ja Luontostrategian tukena, Liisa Saikkonen, Suomen ympäristökeskus

Tampere kohti ekosysteemitilinpitoa, Emmi Nieminen, Tampereen kaupunki

Ekosysteemitilinpito organisaatioissa? Hiili- ja luontojalanjälki tuloslaskelmassa. Sami El Geneidy, Jyväskylän yliopisto

Forestry TEP pilvilaskenta-alusta metsien ja ympäristön seurantaan, Jukka Miettinen, Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy

Ekosysteemitilinpidon toimijaverkosto ja toimijoiden kartoitus, Terhi Arola, Suomen ympäristökeskus

Published 2023-04-12 at 15:03, updated 2024-02-22 at 10:01
Target group: