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Project | Published: 2018-07-10

  Background In accordance with the European Water Framework Directive, the Nordic countries monitor the ecological status of waterbodies to assure that either their good stat...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > SCANDANnet
Collaborative remedies for fragmented societies – facilitating the collaborative turn in environmental decision-making – CORE
Project | Published: 2018-07-10

The project  Collaborative remedies for fragmented societies – facilitating the collaborative turn in environ mental decision-making  (CORE), funded by Strategic Research...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Collaborative remedies for fragmented societies – facilitating the collaborative turn in environmental decision-making – CORE
Nutrients, energy and livelihood for the countryside from a biogas plant (BioRaEE)
Project | Published: 2018-07-05

Project description The Finnish government is aiming at increasing nutrient recycling. The aim is that in 2025 half of the farm animals’ manure and wastewater treatment plant sludge is recycled....

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Nutrients, energy and livelihood for the countryside from a biogas plant (BioRaEE)
Project | Published: 2018-04-17

    InnoForESt analyses and fosters initiatives and networks in six case study regions in Europe, with an aim to explore potentials for the development of policy inst...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Innoforest
Seamless Bothnian Bay – SEAmBOTH
Project | Published: 2018-03-26

The aim of the SEAmBOTH project is to improve knowledge on the Bothnian Bay marine nature though Finnish-Swedish cooperation. The project website maintained by Metsähallitus (coordinator): ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Seamless Bothnian Bay – SEAmBOTH
Oil Spills in Arctic Areas -seminar
Project | Published: 2017-06-22

International MOSPA 2018 event in Oulu 7-8 March Current Oil Spill Exercise in Ice Conditions and Arctic Oil Spill Conference On-line video of the exercise on Tuesday 7.3. ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Oil Spills in Arctic Areas -seminar
Elaboration of the National Air Pollution Control Programme (NAPCP) 2030 (ISO 2030)
Project | Published: 2018-02-26

The aim of the project is to prepare Finland’s National Air Pollution Control Programme (NAPCP) 2030 in order to reduce the negative health and environmental impacts caused by air pollution. The Nati...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Elaboration of the National Air Pollution Control Programme (NAPCP) 2030 (ISO 2030)
Towards ecosystem accounting based on innovations and insights on natural capital knowledge ESTAT-EEA
Project | Published: 2018-02-22

The broad goal of the ESTAT-EEA project is to complement the main development of the Knowledge Innovation Project (KIP INCA) at EU level by experimental work that will test the System of Environmenta...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Towards ecosystem accounting based on innovations and insights on natural capital knowledge ESTAT-EEA
Aino Rekola
Content page | Published: 2018-02-12

  Researcher  MSocSc (Social and Public Policy, Environmental Sciences) Email: Tel: +358 2952 51871 Finnish Environment Institute (S......

Experts > Aino Rekola
Copernicus Global Land Lot 2 (C-GLOPS2)
Project | Published: 2018-02-06

Copernicus Global Land Lot 2 is a component of the Copernicus Global Land Service addressing the thematic domain of cryosphere and water. One of the main objectives of Copernicus program is to provid...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Copernicus Global Land Lot 2 (C-GLOPS2)
Development of pan-European Multi-Sensor Snow Mapping Methods Exploiting Sentinel-1 (S1-4Sci Snow)
Project | Published: 2018-02-14

The projects aims at the development of multisensor snow mapping methodology exploiting both optical and paricularly SAR-data. Target area is Europe. The project develops a practical algorithm that u...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Development of pan-European Multi-Sensor Snow Mapping Methods Exploiting Sentinel-1 (S1-4Sci Snow)
Project | Published: 2018-01-19

The SPICE general objective is to finalize and refine the HELCOM second holistic assessment of the ecosystem health of the Baltic Sea. The SPICE project will carry out the following themes which are ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > SPICE
Content page | Published: 2023-05-02

If you want to use these logotypes, please contact the communications and marketing unit at Syke. Primary logos for electronic media and Windows programmes Logo of the Finnish Envir...

Syke Info > Logotypes
Machine vision in environment monitoring (EnVision)
Project | Published: 2017-08-18

Short address: Objectives The purpose of the project is to evaluate the suitability of the machine vision, using drones, to identify species i...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Machine vision in environment monitoring (EnVision)
Ari Nissinen
Content page | Published: 2017-12-05

Development manager, Leading researcher PhD (Environmental Science and Policy), Docent / Associate professor (Environmental policy) Contact information © Kuvatapio E......

Experts > Ari Nissinen
Content page | Published: 2023-10-31

Biodiversity and the ecosystem services provided by nature are the foundation of human wellbeing. Natural processes guarantee that we have food, raw materials, clean water and air, and other prerequi...

Research & development > Nature
Value for money: unlocking the investment potential for resilient low-carbon Finnish building stock (Life EconomisE)
Project | Published: 2017-11-14

The LIFE EconomisE project will demonstrate how influencing financial flows for the decarbonisation of building stock can deliver significant contributions towards 2020 and 2030 Climate and Energy ta...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Value for money: unlocking the investment potential for resilient low-carbon Finnish building stock (Life EconomisE)
Water quality detection using Sentinel and Landsat satellite series on Finnish lakes and coastal waters/Baltic Sea (VESISEN)
Project | Published: 2017-10-12

Sentinel 2 satellite image from 27.8.2016 the west coast of Finland. ESA Sentinel program, prosessed by SYKE. Water quality detection using Sentinel and Landsat satellite series on Finnish lakes and coastal waters/Baltic Sea (VESISEN)

Sanna-Riikka Saarela
Content page | Published: 2017-08-16

Development manager PhD (environmental change and policy)   Contact information Email: Mobile: +358 295 251 587     ......

Experts > Sanna-Riikka Saarela
Workshop on marine protected area (MPA) networks in a changing Arctic climate
Project | Published: 2017-06-26

*A Swedish and Finnish collaboration on increased protection of the Arctic marine environment 21–22 September 2017 Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) Mechelininkatu 34a, Helsinki ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Workshop on marine protected area (MPA) networks in a changing Arctic climate

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