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Government Programme 2023
Published: 2023-04-21

A new Government will be formed in Finland and a Government Programme will be drawn up for the period 2023–2027. The aim is to build the well-being and safety of society on a sustainable economic bas...

Current > Government Programme 2023
The GSGF in Finland — Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (GSFI)
Published: 2023-04-21

The GSGF in Finland — Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (GSFI) project takes the next step after the GEOSTAT 4 project by adapting the GSGF Europe to the Finnish contex...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > The GSGF in Finland — Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (GSFI)
Published: 2023-04-20

EU legislation to reduce the risk of pharmaceuticals in the environment Authors:  Lauri Äystö, Finnish Environment Institute, lauri.aysto(at); Noora Perkola, Finnish Environment...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Baltic Sea Pharma Platform (BSR Pharma) > Newsletters > I/2023
Ecosystem Accounting
Published: 2023-04-12

Ecosystem Accounting infographic. Download a large file (png) from here . © Syke Objective and Benefits of Ecosystem Accounts Efforts to promote social and economic well-being ...

Ecosystem Accounting
Network of Actors
Published: 2023-04-12

The Finnish Ecosystem Accounting Network of Actors is a free-form network of actors interested in ecosystem accounting which was established in June 2022. The network consists of fifty Finn...

Ecosystem Accounting > Network of Actors
Projects and publications
Published: 2023-04-12

Ecosystem Accounting research & development projects in Syke ​​​​​​​ Developing statistics and accounts for ecosystem services, plastic waste and material flows - 2023-FI-ECOPLASMA (Syke, L...

Ecosystem Accounting > Projects and publications
Marine ecology and modelling
Published: 2023-04-06

Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)studies the impact of human pressure on the state of the sea using marine ecosystem models. Our research focuses on the Baltic Sea, and our range of models include...

Research & development > Sea > Marine ecology and modelling
Marine pollution
Published: 2023-04-06

We focus on hazardous substances in the marine environment, microbial communities in polar seas and sea ice, degradation of bioplastics, and processes related to biogeochemical cycles. Our main exper...

Research & development > Sea > Marine pollution
State of the sea and monitoring
Published: 2023-04-06

Marine conservation and marine management in Finland are governed by the national legislation and the EU. The task of Syke is to coordinate the production and collection of information related to Fin...

Research & development > Sea > State of the sea and monitoring
Sustainable use of marine areas
Published: 2023-04-06

Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) processes underwater natural data to support decision-making and develops research-based multidisciplinary solutions to promote the sustainable use of seas. We co...

Research & development > Sea > Sustainable use of marine areas
Benthic nitrous oxide cycling in a changing coastal sea (BENNO)
Published: 2023-04-03

Background Nitrous oxide (N 2 O) is a powerful greenhouse gas that is naturally produced and partly consumed by the microbial processes nitrification, denitrification, nitrifier denitrification,...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Benthic nitrous oxide cycling in a changing coastal sea (BENNO)
The key questions of plastics recycling (Muoviavain)
Published: 2023-03-29

The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) and ResourceLoop Oy will together study the current status and future perspectives of plastics recycling and markets of secondary plastics in Finland. The st...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > The key questions of plastics recycling (Muoviavain)
Contact details
Published: 2023-03-21

Biodiversity of the Finnish marine environment is mapped in cooperation across institutional borders. The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) coordinates Velmu. The programme is steered by the Mi...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > The Finnish Inventory Programme for the Underwater Marine Diversity (Velmu) > Contact details
Published: 2023-03-21

Velmu's document archive, containing publications in Finnish, Swedish and English, is maintained in the Finnish web pages ("Suomeksi" link below)....

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > The Finnish Inventory Programme for the Underwater Marine Diversity (Velmu) > Publications
The Finnish Inventory Programme for the Underwater Marine Diversity (Velmu)
Published: 2023-03-21

Velmu collects data on the occurrence of underwater marine biotopes, species and communities in Finland’s marine waters. The programme contributes to the Baltic marine protection and to the sust...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > The Finnish Inventory Programme for the Underwater Marine Diversity (Velmu)
Advisory Board
Published: 2023-03-20

The External Advisory Board provides advice and consultation to GOVAQUA on key questions ensuring relevance and accuracy of the project’s results.  Members: Dr. Josefina Maestu , ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Governance innovations for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe GOVAQUA > Advisory Board
Engage with GOVAQUA
Published: 2023-03-20

Water is everybody´s business. GOVAQUA aims to engage the many actors, decision makers and interest groups in the water field in the development of innovative governance instruments and approach...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Governance innovations for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe GOVAQUA > Engage with GOVAQUA
Living Labs
Published: 2023-03-20

This work package houses the six GOVAQUA living labs, where a representative and complementary set of innovative water governance approaches and instruments will be further developed, piloted, c...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Governance innovations for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe GOVAQUA > Living Labs
Partners and Team
Published: 2023-03-20

Finnish Environment Institute, Finland Coordinator, main contact,  Consortium co-lead Suvi Sojamo ( Consortium co-lead Antti Belinskij (antti.belinsk...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Governance innovations for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe GOVAQUA > Partners and Team
Published: 2023-03-20

The results of GOVAQUA project will include:  Good practice repository  Transition pathways  Assessment tools   Online academy  Publications...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Governance innovations for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe GOVAQUA > Results

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