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Microbial diversity in aquatic systems and effects of browning (MiDAS)
Project | Published: 2017-11-01

Short address: Background Freshwater ecosystems support disproportionate levels of biodiversity compared to their spatial coverage, and are often re...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Microbial diversity in aquatic systems and effects of browning (MiDAS)
Noora Veijalainen
Content page | Published: 2017-10-18

  Leading hydrologist D.Sci. (Tech.) © Kai Widell Contact information email: Tel. +358 29 525 1159 Finnish Environment In......

Experts > Noora Veijalainen
Water quality detection using Sentinel and Landsat satellite series on Finnish lakes and coastal waters/Baltic Sea (VESISEN)
Project | Published: 2017-10-12

Sentinel 2 satellite image from 27.8.2016 the west coast of Finland. ESA Sentinel program, prosessed by SYKE. Water quality detection using Sentinel and Landsat satellite series on Finnish lakes and coastal waters/Baltic Sea (VESISEN)

Summary of algal bloom monitoring 2017: Plenty of cyanobacteria in sea areas during July-August, but fewer observations of cyanobacteria than usual in lakes
Press release | Published: 2017-08-31

The algal situation in early summer was calm and cyanobacteria started to become more abundant only in July. In sea areas, cyanobacteria occurred abundantly especially in the northern Baltic proper a......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > Summary reviews > Summary of algal bloom monitoring 2017: Plenty of cyanobacteria in sea areas during July-August, but fewer observations of cyanobacteria than usual in lakes
Current > Summary of algal bloom monitoring 2017: Plenty of cyanobacteria in sea areas during July-August, but fewer observations of cyanobacteria than usual in lakes
Research & development > Water > Summary of algal bloom monitoring 2017: Plenty of cyanobacteria in sea areas during July-August, but fewer observations of cyanobacteria than usual in lakes
Mikko Huokuna
Content page | Published: 2017-08-28

Senior engineer Contact information Email: Tel: +358 295 251 189 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Built environment solutions Water risks L......

Experts > Mikko Huokuna
Marie Korppoo
Content page | Published: 2017-06-16

Researcher     E-mail: Tel. +358 407471704 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Marine and freshwater solutions Modelling Visit......

Experts > Marie Korppoo
Juha Aaltonen
Content page | Published: 2017-06-08

Development engineer, M.Sc. (Civ. Eng.) Contact information E-mail: Phone: 0295 251 051 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Built environment ......

Experts > Juha Aaltonen
Jukka Aroviita
Content page | Published: 2017-05-02

Senior research scientist PhD, Docent in Aquatic Ecology (University of Oulu) Contact information E-mail: Tel: +358 295 251 222 Finnish Envi......

Experts > Jukka Aroviita
Anna-Stiina Heiskanen
Content page | Published: 2017-04-24

Professor, unit director Foto: Kai Widell Contact information Email: Tel.  +358 295 251 162 Skype: anna.stiina.heiskanen Finnish Environ......

Experts > Anna-Stiina Heiskanen
Flood Centre warnings now available in the renewed Weather application
Press release | Published: 2017-04-10

The renewed Weather application allows you to access five-day weather and flood warnings on your mobile device. The service is part of cooperation between the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) an......

Same content on several places:
Current > Flood Centre warnings now available in the renewed Weather application
Current > Press releases > Flood Centre warnings now available in the renewed Weather application
Research & development > Quality of information > Flood Centre warnings now available in the renewed Weather application
Research & development > Water > Flood Centre warnings now available in the renewed Weather application
Egypt - sustainable dredging
Project | Published: 2017-03-14

The project purpose is improved capacity of GAFRD, in collaboration with other relevant organisations, to monitor the water quality of Lake Manzala and to monitor the Lake’s natural resources. The ac...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Egypt - sustainable dredging
Utilization of Canadian waterweed - from nuisance to source of raw materials
Project | Published: 2016-05-13

  Background In Koillismaa-region many lakes have been invaded by a harmful alien species Canadian waterweed ( Elodea canadensis ). In Finland, it has spread besides Koillismaa ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Utilization of Canadian waterweed - from nuisance to source of raw materials
Five-day weather and flood warnings available in the new service
Press release | Published: 2017-02-01

Flood warnings from the Finnish Environment Institute have been added to the service of Finnish Meteorological Institute as a new warning type. The only flood warnings shown on the warning map are dan......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > Five-day weather and flood warnings available in the new service
Research & development > Quality of information > Five-day weather and flood warnings available in the new service
Research & development > Water > Five-day weather and flood warnings available in the new service
KGZ-Water / Son-Kul
Project | Published: 2016-12-12

The project will mainly work towards increasing the capacity of Kyrgyz environmental authorities in order for them to be able to determine POP compounds (Persistent Organic Pollutants) from water, se...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > KGZ-Water / Son-Kul
Lake brownification and eutrophication decrease the content of essential fatty acids in fish used in human diets
Press release | Published: 2016-09-30

Eutrophication and brownification change phytoplankton community structure and decrease production of essential omega-3 fatty acids in lakes. Perch growing in oligotrophic clear-water lakes contain 1.......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > Lake brownification and eutrophication decrease the content of essential fatty acids in fish used in human diets
Research & development > Water > Lake brownification and eutrophication decrease the content of essential fatty acids in fish used in human diets
Incidence of cyanobacteria started early this summer, but towards the end of summer abundant cyanobacteria occurrences halted
Press release | Published: 2016-09-01

Cyanobacteria started to increase in abundance early this summer, but during late summer less cyanobacteria surface blooms were observed than normally. In the Finnish southwestern open sea areas cyano......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > Summary reviews > Incidence of cyanobacteria started early this summer, but towards the end of summer abundant cyanobacteria occurrences halted
Research & development > Water > Incidence of cyanobacteria started early this summer, but towards the end of summer abundant cyanobacteria occurrences halted
Satellite observations
Content page | Published: 2016-02-02

Products based on satellite observations are produced in the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) in order to monitor environmental changes. These datasets include: surface temperature, algal blooms,...

Open information > Satellite observations
Impacts of Terrestrial Organic Matter Loading on Lake Food Webs and Human Health - Challenges for Environmental Regulation (TERLA consortium)
Project | Published: 2015-09-10

The objectives of the TERLA research consortium are to examine the impacts caused by terrestrial organic matter on lake food webs and human health and provide science-based knowledge for evaluating ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Impacts of Terrestrial Organic Matter Loading on Lake Food Webs and Human Health - Challenges for Environmental Regulation (TERLA consortium)
Formation of Decision-Making System Aimed at Ecological and Economic Development of Issyk-Kul Lake's Territory Based on Results of Environment Monitoring (KGZ-Water / Issyk-Kul)
Project | Published: 2015-06-16

There are three main Project’s component: Component 1. Cooperatio Experience and information exchange among organizations and ongoing Projects on the territory of Issyk-Kul Oblast. Carrying...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Formation of Decision-Making System Aimed at Ecological and Economic Development of Issyk-Kul Lake's Territory Based on Results of Environment Monitoring (KGZ-Water / Issyk-Kul)
Algae prognosis: low or moderate risk of blue-green algal blooms in Finland's sea areas
Press release | Published: 2013-06-06

According to the algae prognosis of the Finnish Environment Institute’s Marine Research Centre, the risk of blue-green algal blooms in Finland's sea areas is mainly low this summer. In the western Gul......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algae prognosis: low or moderate risk of blue-green algal blooms in Finland's sea areas
Current > Algal reviews > Risk prediction for cyanobacterial blooms > Algae prognosis: low or moderate risk of blue-green algal blooms in Finland's sea areas
Current > Press releases > Algae prognosis: low or moderate risk of blue-green algal blooms in Finland's sea areas

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